Cause they're show-offs lol!
I brush as many times a day as I can, the minimum is 3 though...we're not allowed to bring toothbrushes to work

. I don't spend too long though, cause I gots stuff to do, but probably 1-2mins.
Although, I can't give a "Full, broad smile", because having 6 Canines, 2 on bottom, and 4 on top, it makes me look like an animal or something x.x.
Like the 2 most forward ones tend to make me look "vampyric", so unless it's halloween, I tend not to give full smiles :/.
(and to answer the "why not get them fixed" question, 1) I'm poor and am on HIP insurance,so... And 2) The top 4 (two on each side) share a nerve, so taking one out may affect the other one negatively)