Oh, I'm sorry Daddy, not lack of interest per se, but lack or disinterest in being interested to be "feely". And true our emotions and upbringings do contribute, more heavily so than others.
But for you to feel that need or "instinct" to protect or comfort him shows a great deal of compassion. And so does this then tie into what Beaux mentioned? Because he was vulnerable,smaller(possibly considered "soft") and more emotional, did this then lead you to biologically make the assertion that you had to protect or comfort him? In the form of you spooning him?
Seems feasable to me:/ .
@ Tinks;
Yes, as to reiterate from previous statement for Daddy, perhaps the same holds true for you as well, however, you show the same protective or "Alpha pose" as you put it, so would/could it then be said that your partner would do the same for you, or rather, would you want him to?
As I understand, a lot of men who feel the tendency or urge to protect also frequentlt do not wish to be consoled or protected in return, atleast not in the same way. For instance, someone hurts his pride or ego, so he goes to his partner, who then, instead of holding or spooning him, allows him to do it to them, as a way of coping for him.
However there are times when he'll want to be held, as Mick has so graciously attested to, in which case, the "protector" or "Alpha" even, is then held/supported.
And this has nothing to do with who is the top/bottom or "man"/"woman" is.
@Kawaii Kits
Hunni, Serve us nothing but Butch Queen Realness gurl!
This where I am interested, because as Beaux(again lol, love you Beaux) suggested, Biologically and according to Nepotism, there is an inate desire to protect the "soft" or even "prettier" and support them, however, in your case, does this not mean the Emotional side of it and less physical?
Not to say you aren't pretty, cause you know you are

, but most people like you said would not think person such as you describe yourself as would need and even potentially want protection or support (in the traditional sense).
As Daddy mentioned, so many different Variables, but I am sensing a common link and can see an intricate pattern woven in the strands...