Just remembered that it's April Fool's Day today.Hope you'll be a good boy and not pull a prank on someone.What's the worst prank that anybody has ever pulled on you?Mine was about 5 years ago when my jolopie suddenly disappeared from where I parked it earlier that morning.I searched the entire campus,even looked inside the main cafeteria.I didn't know what I was going to tell my Dad.Lesson learnt : never leave your car keys with your crazy friend.
Its been so long since I've been pranked. I remember my parents were bad for always doing something mean, like my mother telling me when I was a kid that she was pregnant... or both my parents saying 'let's go to Disneyworld!'...
they were so cruel to me...
I pranked them one year when I said I was dropping out of university and that I was going to shack up with a girl that I met online. They actually believed me too! It was great.
i have already pranked you guys, but you don't know it yet. you'll see. *evil laugh* :biggrin: