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Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia
My Landlord is currently in hospital. Had to call the EMT, went with him to Hospital, stayed with him until the nurse told us at 3 am they were going to admit him.

I went over to check on him around 9pm - apparently he 'forgot' to eat and 'forgot' to take his insulin at his usual 5 pm. Around 6 when I took his mail to him he answered the door, but appeared a bit shaky. I asked to his health and he gave his usual 'I'm upright' which basically means 'I'm fine, now go jump off the cliff and save us all from your bothersome questions.'

9 PM I found him in his chair 'sleeping' but not really sleeping, he was not responding, it took a long time to get him to open his eyes, and for a while it looked like I had his gaze and he wasn't able to speak (I thought stroke). He doesn't recall any of that.

No it wasn't a stroke (this time) it was hypoglycemia...

I was kind of hoping one of you doctor types can tell me what to look for in the way of differences between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia so I know when to 'treat' with apple juice/food when he starts slipping or to just call EMT right off without pushing juice.

Currently they are keeping him in hospital for observation and to run further tests. So he is 'ok'. Today, now.

Understand this man is stubborn - more than a 20 mule team of stubborn. Thus he refuses to say when he is unwell or feeling a bit off - let alone say something like "I think I need a doctor/help/ you to kindly shut the fuck up and leave me to die...."

So I was hoping one of you can give me a few hints how to see the onset of either and/or both hypo and hyperglycemia so I don't have to constantly play 'guess my current health status' with this ornery old man.

Mind this is the same man who flat refuses to get Medic Alert and the only way I can keep tabs on him is to bring him his mail, or walk around hs house staring into each window like a peeping tom.

He also has a habit of falling, 3-4 night ago he fell around 5 in the am on the way to the bathroom and crawled into a nearby bedroom and slept o the floor until 9 AM when I found him sleeping on the floor.Rolleyes

I have little to no experience of this Bowyn Aerrow but you did the rigjht thing in calling the medics. He should be grateful to have you around. My only experience of someone in a hypoglycemic state was many years ago when I worked in tourism and a young man fell in to that state and after coming out of hospital he told me that all he had needed was a glass of orange juice. However, don't take my word for it, wait for someone with more medical knowledge than I to answer.

Nurse said Apple Juice over Orange Juice. Yeah I always thought orange juice as well, but apparently not anymore - and they stopped using leeches to cure all things - WOW!:tongue:

I think by the time he is sitting in his chair in a stupor, regardless of which state he is in (hypo or hyper) I will call an EMT/Paramedics out. I was just hoping for earlier warning sighs so I can say 'Hey Bob, you are acting X,Y,Z - when is the last time you ate/took your medicine?'

He is 81 and his closest family is half a continent away, and they are vultures -

Vultures are what I call people who sit and wait for a person to die so they can swoop in and strip the carcass. This is a man with a decent amount of money, and they have only been around twice in 16 years that I have lived here.Rolleyes

OK, I did say that my one experience was a long time ago..

As far as leeches are concerned, you might be surprised to know that they are still used in some hospitals. They produce and excellent anti-coagulant.


I am hypoglycemic. Like, really hypoglycemic. I have a congenital condition called Glycogen Storage Disease. It basically means my blood sugar's natural state is zero. In order to give my self any blood sugar whatsoever, I have to drink a mixture of cornstarch and water every four hours and at night I hook up to a machine that pumps fluid in me through a nasal gastric tube.

I have experienced crashing blood sugar levels many times (been comatose more times than I can't remember). Unfortunately, I don't really know what the difference of symptoms are between hypo and hyperglycemia. But hypo:

Extreme irritability (I guess even more so for this guy), desire to do nothing but sleep (don't believe him, he's not sleepy, he's dying), Sweating, slurred speech, disorientation, racing heart.... that's all I can think of in terms of what to notice. Mostly is all about fatigue.

Hope that helps somewhat. A severely crashing blood sugar is a strange feeling to describe. It's a terrible experience. You can basically feel your entire body/brain slowly dying as your life force (like your cell phone battery) keeps diminishing. Good for you Bowyn for taking the responsibility of trying to keep this guy alive. When in doubt, don't hesitate to just call the EMTs.


Some one sent me a link to a list of hyperglycmic symptoms, it appears that early stages for that has no outward symptoms.

Oh, and BTW...

This is completely off topic, but this made me think of you. I don't want to embed this link 'cause it'll ruin it, so here you go:


Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Thanks.

Some one sent me a link to a list of hyperglycmic symptoms, it appears that early stages for that has no outward symptoms.

That.... sucks.

Yes it sucks... I guess I need to update my medical education from Leeches and Humors to something a little more modern....

I have no idea but i feel you for trying to look out for an ornery old bugger, I have one of my own, my technical job is personal assistance, 3hrs a day, but it goes beyond that really, he is stubborn also and falls over (he's had a stroke and numerous over complaints) I once found him bloodied and in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, luckily we now have him in sheltered housing (that is, there's a warden and he has an panic button) which is much better.

Though I just know he hasn't long left, he was a MAYOR once and antique expert, im never gonna let myself care for another old git like him again, well soz i was no help in particular BA Big Grin

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