I think that is brilliant! But I wouldn't limit it to teenagers.
Get off your ass and do something worthwhile. It's not easy, but you and the world will benefit.
It's the same thing that's been said for centuries. The youth will always whine about exactly that and adults will always be trying to beat some sense into them until they grow up. It's just another part of humanity that has always been and always will be.
Totally agree with that statement.
It's a damn shame the way kids are brought up now days, it will b interesting to watch and see what occurs over the next decade or two in regards to our youth...As i believe it's only going to get worse.
I think that teens should be able to enjoy doing what ever they wana. I know I just want to enjoy life. I don't care for money (Even tho I should)
The fucks I give for society is none... Well maybe some. I wana destroy it all. Anarchy would be a bit fun.
#Burn all the flags
Parents fuck there kids up. Especially our generation of parents, I hope we can outgrow them and not copy them in how we bring up our kids, but it happens anyway, like Varanus said its getting worse
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Seems largely meaningless.
People complaining about teens acting entitled while claiming they actually are indebted to the world just for existing isn't something new or helpful.
Teenagers are indeed a little on the entitled side, kinda comes with being the stage of development after childhood, still largely considered a part of ones childhood.
They need to learn and grow up, having someone bitching at them to do it faster doesn't seem smart or right to me.
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I suppose that at my age, some will accuse me of being old fashioned, but I have to agree mostly with what's said. So many of the young today do seem to think that the world owes them something. Sorry guys, that's not the case. You will only get anywherte when you stand up and start to do something for yourself or for others. That way you will earn self respect.