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Pride 2013
Gay pride just ended here. We go hard for a week. Then the community sleeps and plans.
I really enjoyed it greatly. More people than I ever thought were in the community.

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MisterTinkles Wrote:Ive never seen hetero people have parades for being hetero.

Maybe because they are not the ones who are fighting for equality, or bullying ?...

:I idk

MisterTinkles Wrote:Sorry, I have to say this kind of stuff is just nonsense.

Do blondes have a "pride parade"? Ive never heard of one.
Do people with arms and legs have a "pride parade"? Ive never seen one.
Do "straight" people have "hetero pride parades"? Ive never heard of one.

Just another over-glorified gimmick to shove your personal/private affairs into everybodys faces, and to sell garbage.

The two "parades" I have been witnessed to were nothing but flagrant pornographic marches.
And some people had the nerve to bring kids to these things. With "marchers" having their dicks, balls, asses, and tits hanging out of their clothes!!!! DISGUSTING.

No wonder so many hetero's still despise "gays". I cant blame them at all.

There is nothing positive in any of these "parades".

Well done!
I could not have stated it better!

Nothing but a disgusting money making racket, piggy-backed on our distress, and like fools we fall for it.

Displayed at one such event. "Give us your children we don't eat them we F**k them"!
Nearly caused the then minister of welfare to retract her approval of my foster application!
My whole family would not have happened! No son, no grand-kids (see my photo album)
I swear before God, If I ever get that asshole I'll change his face so bad his own mother won't recognize him.....

The day you make a spectacle of yourself to justify your sexual orientation... come on that just too stupid to contemplate..

You want to justify yourself? Do something worthwhile and honorable, then don't crow about it

EVERYBODY shouts "We have the RIGHT to freedom of expression" but nobody completes that sentence do they?
What is it then? bet you don't even know...
I have to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
Rant for the day
Feel better

CakeLuv Wrote:Maybe because they are not the ones who are fighting for equality, or bullying ?...

:I idk

Yeah, I think the whole parade aspect comes from the fact that we've had to fight for so much... or technically, the ones who came before us had to fight... or maybe, we're still fighting depending on where we live...

Anyhooo.... My point is that I think Gay Pride is justifiable because for so many it is the only chance they have to really express their gay side.

I know being gay doesn't automatically entail rainbow streamers and glittery hot pants, but I guess a lot of people in a lot of places still feel like while they may be accepted for being gay, they're still not accepted for being gay - if that makes sense. Like, "I'm okay with the idea that you like boys, but don't try to hold a guys hand in public or I'll vomit".

Okay, well that's maybe not the most eloquent way to put the sentiment... but I think it gets my point across. Gay Pride seems to me to kind of be like a rebellion against that sort of thinking - a time where you can walk the streets and express your sexuality in whatever way you want to - flaming or otherwise.

Haven't gone to one yet (haven't really had the chance), but it's definitely on my wish list.

Have those who ranted on how terrible gay pride parades are actually been to one for more than 5-10 minutes? Because to me it sounds to me like you're getting your ideas from what gets shown on the news.

Here's footage when it's not sensationalistic trying to freak people out:

Not that I'm doubting the obnoxious elements exist. After all, even military parades can get obnoxious (and military parties explicit in the extreme, damn the things I've heard ex-soldiers talk about...), and plenty of parades (such as Mardi Gras) can get sexually explicit as well (not that they're ONLY sexually explicit, anymore than that San Francisco parade obviously had elements that weren't insane).

I got invited to both London and Brighton Pride this year by friends, I've decided not to attend either because I feel it represents a showing of people's bodies more then the fight for our equality and how far we've come. Also Pride events definitely do display lots of the gay stereotypes to the max, there is as much diversity in the gay community as in the straight one but this is always missed out by the big show of Pride.

I never went to a pride, but i hope i will take an occasion (ehm...) in London this week. But honestly I'm not interested in the parade, I wanna 'try' some guy or girl... eheheheheheh!

I don't go to these sort of things. And somehow I managed to miss all 2 weeks of Second Life's Pride events until like 10 minitues before the end of the final event. Erm whoops~

Pix Wrote:After all, even military parades can get obnoxious (and military parties explicit in the extreme, damn the things I've heard ex-soldiers talk about...

You are so right about that. We get crazy when we're young in the Army, and a lot of times not good crazy.

Pix Wrote:Have those who ranted on how terrible gay pride parades are actually been to one for more than 5-10 minutes? Because to me it sounds to me like you're getting your ideas from what gets shown on the news.

Here's footage when it's not sensationalistic trying to freak people out:

Not that I'm doubting the obnoxious elements exist. After all, even military parades can get obnoxious (and military parties explicit in the extreme, damn the things I've heard ex-soldiers talk about...), and plenty of parades (such as Mardi Gras) can get sexually explicit as well (not that they're ONLY sexually explicit, anymore than that San Francisco parade obviously had elements that weren't insane).

I can honestly say yes and what happened there was extremely offensive to me. I'm not comfortable with PDAs, probably because my parents and sisters were never big on PDAs themselves. An occasional hug is no big deal but I refuse to hold my partner's hand in public. I just don't want to. I don't feel it's necessary. So seeing men and women barely clothed (if at all) with booths and posters selling even more hyper charged sexual wares makes me more angry than "accepted". For people who are into that sort of thing, fine, but why does gay have to come with that baggage? Why does the fact that I like men and love my partner mean I have to be ok with being constantly bombarded with events and areas that emphasis and enforce sexually charged behavior?

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