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Is this what a crush feels like?
I'm 20 years old and I came out to my family and a few close friends just over a month ago. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Probably even more so because I am introverted, fairly shy, and I don't like a lot of attention. I also get anxiety, which made coming out seem a lot scarier in my head. Everyone that I've told so far has been completely loving, fully accepting, even a little surprised but nothing on the negative side.

My problem now is that I've basically spent my entire life hiding from who I am. I've perfected the art of "hiding" down to a science and it's engrained in a large part my personality. I've gotten really good at making myself practically invisible because that is what my energy has been focused into for my whole life. I haven't had the confidence to speak my truth until just recently. You can imagine what this has done to my relationships. I dated a couple of girls in high school (all short-lived of course) but never have had any experience in the world of gay dating.

My closest friend, Emily, that I first came out to rents an apartment in the city with one other girl and a boy named Paul who is also gay. He is also my age but has been out for almost 5 years. He is extremely comfortable with himself and his sexual orientation. He's very extroverted and can make small talk about anything. He's friendly and full of life, like a breath of fresh air. I'm more of a quiet, serious person, but when I'm around him I feel flighty and giddy, like I just inhaled the helium from a balloon. I'm usually a well-composed person but when I'm around him I feel like a spinning compass that doesn't know where north is. I'm not used to this feeling because I've been guarded for so long and I don't really know what to do with it.

He's the only other person I know that is gay and I wonder if my feelings are for this reason and this reason alone. If I were to explore the world of dating more maybe I would feel this way around someone else too. However, I don't know where/when that would ever happen because I don't like going out to bars or loud places to meet new people and I already kinda know Paul. I met him over a year ago but've only seen him every other month or two and our encounters are usually very brief or very awkward or both.

This past weekend I went on a camping trip up north with Emily, Paul and two other girls (Katy and Julia). It was something we had all been wanting to do for a while and had talked about a lot beforehand so we were really excited that it was finally happening. My personal goal for the trip(besides having a blast and enjoying the beautiful landscape!) was to basically feel things out and see if I could find out if Paul had any interest in me. I have virtually no experience in this type of thing and I feel like I push people away without evening meaning to because I've been doing it for so long.

So we get to the campground and start setting up. We have two tents to fit 5 people. I start setting up the tent I brought and Paul starts to help me. Katy is not much of camper so she watches while Emily and Julia start setting up the other tent. When we're finished I throw my sleeping bag into my tent and Paul does the same. Later Katy adds her sleeping bag too; the other tent is too small for 3 people. Maybe I'm over thinking and he just threw his stuff down where ever it was easiest, but why right next to mine?

The next day we are sightseeing after a morning hike, and we find some cliffs on the ocean side. Its a beautiful view and the water is crystal clear and shimmering with the sun shining into it. One of the cliffs is about 40 ft above a cave and the water is deep at the point where the cave's mouth meets the ocean. I suggest we all jump in to cool off. Paul is into it right away but the girls are too scared("the waves look real strong, what if they slam us into the rocks?" "are you sure its deep enough?" "i'd rather swim in a lake"). The girls move on to look at another trail. We run back up the short trail where the car is to change into our bathing suits and grab towels. On the way back down the trail, Paul stops suddenly. I look up at him to see what's up and see him smiling mischievously. We lock eyes for several seconds while he whips out his dick and starts taking a piss. I then realize that I'm still staring so I kinda stumble forward and keep walking. We get to the cliff and he says he's too scared to jump so I do it first to show him where it's safe. He's still shaking so he decides to jump from the lower cliff instead.

That night we all go to the showers. Paul and I head to the men's side with our quarters(4 quarters = 2 minutes, so we gotta be quick) and change of clothes in hand. At the end of his 2 minutes Paul is done but yells over to me that he forgot his towel. I have 8 quarters and was just about to start my next 2 minutes so I offered my towel to him so he can run back to the car to grab his for me to use. He uses mine, runs back, says he can't find his, so we use the same towel. After I'm clean and dry we all head back out to the car, where Paul announces "oh I did have it" holding up his towel with a smile and a laugh. It was right out in the open. I don't know how he could have missed it.

So maybe I'm way over thinking but I can't tell if a)this kid is just screwing with me because he knows I have essentially no experience, b)he is interested and is trying to tell me, or c)I'm totally over thinking and these are all normal situations.

I typed this all out mainly to organize my thoughts and to help stop the compulsive thinking I get so easily caught up in. My intention is to let some of these thoughts out, so I can determine my next step with a clear mind. I don't really know why I decided to post on here specifically. Maybe someone here's been in a similar situation at some point in their life? Just seems like a friendly, open place. anyways, thanks for reading :]

The way you make it sound he likes you :p
Do you think he likes you?
I hope he likes you.
You could always ask him straight up if he likes you. Thats what I do when I think someone likes me :p

Also welcome to gayspeak Smile

Sounds like he might be interested. If you want it bud, give it a shot. It might be good, it might not, but you will never know unless you try.

Take life as it comes and do your best to live without regrets.


Sounds like you had fun.

Yes, I would say Paul is messing with you. To what end, I dont know.
Maybe he wants to judge your reactions to what he's doing.
Maybe he is interested in you.

And I understand its quite un-nerving when you are the shy and quiet type, and have never dealt with this before.

I would suggest you talk to Paul directly. Dont play grade school games and go through your girlfriends for information or questions. Yeah, I know, it probably makes you weak in the knees to even think about talking to him up close and personal, by yourself......but if you want to learn to communicate with someone in order to discover if theres any glimmer of friendship or relationship material there...you're going to have to start talking to boys on your own sooner or later.

Take him for coffee or a hamburger or something, and just talk. Tell him your nervous and hope he doesnt take offense at anything you say...then just ask him what was going on when you were camping? Was that him just playing "guy games" or was he trying to "say" something to you?

What gets me, is that gay guys (for some dumb reason) just cant come out and ask a question.
They have to play head games, beat around the bush, and be vague. This is why SOOO many people have relationship issues..they just cannot talk to each other.

Whether he is boyfriend material or not, he may make a good friend. YOU will have to do the "leg work" though....meaning you will have to make the initial "first step". He put out some "hints", now he's probably waiting to see if you "bite".

As far as "coming out", I dont believe in that. To me, thats an offensive stereotype...but I DO understand the hiding that you mentioned. No, you havent offended me, Im just explaining that in order for people to accept you, they need to just accept YOU.

You are you. What gender you prefer to date, love, marry is no concerns of anyone's. They like/love you for the decent human being you are, or not. "Gay" has nothing to do with it. This stereotypical brainwashing just kills me. Its like trying to stomp out a forest fire with sandals.


Dont be "gay", just be YOU. Be the best YOU that you can be...and people will realize that its YOU who they like/love, not because your "straight" or "gay".

Really good, decent human beings are becoming extinct. And oh, so slowly, humanity is figuring out it doesnt need to care about "gay" or "straight", as long as you are a good, decent human being.

Be known for being a good person, not "gay".


There are no magic singles that tell us a person is or is not interested.

Wanna know more about him/what his actions mean you are going to have to ask.

What a crush feels like is pretty much as the name implies - your chest becomes compacted, crushed each time you see or in the presence of the person you are 'crushing' on.

MisterTinkles Wrote:What gets me, is that gay guys (for some dumb reason) just cant come out and ask a question.
They have to play head games, beat around the bush, and be vague. This is why SOOO many people have relationship issues..they just cannot talk to each other.

This is just so true! Plus it happens in all sorts of ways and not just in a relationship context.

Example (and this has happened to me lots of times)
You meet a guy at work etc and you start to chat on purely friendly terms. During the conversation you suspect this guy is gay and he is most likely thinking the same about you. He talks about his other half or partner (all very gender neutral). His partners name turns out to be Sam, Chris, Dan, Lee or another name that doesn't help you tell if its a boy or girl.

So your choices are.
1. You ask. Depending on the context of how you have met this guy that might not be the correct thing to do. If you do ask and they are not gay you could offend.
2. You make it clear that you are gay by talking about your boyfriend or husband "John or Mark etc". In the hope that they say something.
3. You don't say anything and never get to know, because no one is prepared to open up a bit.

Hey Edan.

I don't think I can add anything to what the others have already said.

Maybe give it some more time to read the signals and flirt back with him and or find a time when you can be togeather when he doesn't have to protect his ego and ask him if you're reading the signals correctly.

Bare in mind that he may only want something casual or short-term, he may not be the "marrying kind". Its usually when someone inexperienced like yourself becomes a little impressed with someone more experienced that someone like yourself may end up getting hurt.

Still, we have to have negative experiences to learn how to sort out our feelings.

Go for it - just go for it and the best of bloody luck to ya!

If it doesn't go well - at least next time you'll have more experience upon which to draw from and we're always here if you want to vent!

Again, good luck!

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