I am 6 ft tall and weigh 11 stone 3 lbs.... any idea for a good easy diet to go on?
I have 32 waist, 38 chest too..forgot to mention! ><
What are you looking to achieve from the diet?
Umm, this is going to sound weird, but what's a stone? I have never heard of it refering to someone's weight.
I just say i weigh 170 lbs (actually I am closer to 160-165 lbs now, but I usually am at 170).
I have never been on a diet, but what I find helps me lose a few pounds is just getting outside and doing things. Going for walks, jogging, that sort of stuff. I also have a physically demanding job at the moment so I have been losing weight through it (unlike being a student and sitting on my butt translating and writing papers all day).
No worries XRIMO! I stone is 14lbs! I thought you used stone as a measurement of weight across there?
Cool! I can't believe you've never heard of stone! Eg...I weight 11 stone! 12 x 14 lbs
Okay,okay I know it's pronounced "pounds" but I always pronounce it as "labs" because of that damn abbreviation lbs.Us South Africans use kilograms (kg) to measure weight.
haha sorry dan this is a thread about diets...not metric/imperial measurements!
it's ok i'm only kidding ya mate! any dietry ideas for me?