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LONDONER has reached 500 Posts!
Big congratulations to LONDONER for reaching the posting milestone of 500 posts today! WELL DONE! :-)

Thanks for all your great contributions so far and hope you continue to enjoy using the site and being part of our GS community.

Catch up with you soon,

Andy x

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Congratulations londoner

partisan Wrote:Congratulations londoner

Thanks Partisan. I'm not really sure why 500 or 1,000 or whatever should be such a landmark.

Me neither! I found it all rather funny but just went with it. pleased to have you here anyway ",)

partisan Wrote:Me neither! I found it all rather funny but just went with it. pleased to have you here anyway ",)

Well, I've "celebrated" by posting what must be one of the longests posts on GS. See "A visit to Prague".

Wooo, i just had a look. I will get onto that sometime this evening... cooking dinner just now :-)

Long live Londoner and long live London, as well (brilliant city!).

Halfway to 1000 and having a rainbow username woooooooooo

Congratulations Londoner. Smile
An eye for an eye

This is rainbow fare:
rainbow fair?
Rainbow C o n g r a t [SIZE=5]u lations[/SIZE]
Rainbow Co n g r a t u lati

Rainbow Co n g r a tula t ions!!!
Rainbow C o n g r a tulation s!!!

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