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Organ transplants
My Advanced Health Directive, which includes such interesting things as no forced living should I end up being a lettuce, carrot or other form of vegetable, also allows for (up to) 60 days of 'life support' of the body for the purpose of harvesting organs for donations should any/all of my organs be of use. I think the clause also has a 30 day life support for tissues and cells excluding blood.

Of course now I am reaching the age where my organs are a little overused to be of any real benefit for most people.

My body is also donated to medical science after death to further the education of medical students.

Whatever remains are left are to be cremated and disposed of in anyway that suits any survivor who may care. My partner had that right until recently, now its up to the state to decide what happens to the ashes and ground bones. Hopefully there is a nice compost heap they can be tossed into.

Personally, I think everyone should be an organ donor/tissue donor for a limited time after brain death (say a month or two) if the body can be kept going.

I admit I do have a little fear of things ending up like the book Coma where patients are purposefully thrown into a coma for the harvesting of organs.

If I need an organ or tissues, I hope they would be available.

I would really like to have my knee replaced with the newer procedure that uses both artificial parts and parts from tissue donors. However it is still considered 'experimental' and one needs to be a millionaire in order to get it since no Health Insurance company would pay for it.

As for the population issue, sterilize everyone chemically for a decade when they get to the point where they can start having kids. There are now implantable 'temporary' devices for both men and women that prevent contraception for about a decade. I can readily see a world where 14-16 year olds are implanted with this device and around 24-26 having the option to use the method for another decade with a minor financial compensation for going to bat for humanity.

Yes this would cause more poor people to opt out of the gene pool - but lets face the reality, there are too many poor people with too many kids who can't feed, clothe, shelter their kids and often end up having kids simply because they can't afford the cost of contraceptives and due to the wages of poverty which lead to horrors such as rape, substance abuse that causes people to forget about contraceptives and the like.

Yes it is a form of Eugenics, which I am also for. Considering the long list of Genetically Linked Disorders that could be virtually wiped out in a single generation I view the idea of opting out of the gene pool to be a very good idea.

Yes I can clearly see purposeful breeding of humans to enhance over all health and fitness of the species. You are lucky I'm not the Dictator of Earth.:tongue:

If we did that, then organ donation wouldn't be as big of a deal as a lot of those transplants are due to inferior genetic code that leads to weaknesses and health issues in future.

To be clear, I do carry a few genetically linked disorders and if I was straight and of breeding stock I would opt out of the gene pool because I for one do not want to pass on those 'risks' to my own children.

Unfortunately we can't trust those in powers to ensure that true equality is used to improve the fitness of the human race. Bigotry, hatred, greed and lust for power leads to horrors like the Nazi Eugenics program(s).

MisterTinkles Wrote:Look at people who get transplants above people who REALLY need them, and still abuse their bodies.....Joe Dimaggio and Larry Hagman for examples. Alcoholics for most of their lives, pay to get new livers/kidneys and still abuse them, and die within a year or two anyway.

But for me...hell yeah! I want to be a huge pain in stupid peoples lives for as long as I can live!!!!

Absolutely! I believe but I am not 100% sure, that the man from Wales who needed a lung , liver and kidney transplant also suffered from emfisima that is usually brought on by heavy smoking.

Here in the UK, sexually active gay men were asked not to donate blood - ever.

This has now changed. According to the NHS National Blood Transusion Service website, sexually active gay men are still asked not to donate blood if they have had oral or anal sex, even with a condon in the last twelve months.

Deferral of Men who have Sex with Men from Blood Donation

The permanent exclusion of men who have had sex with men (MSM) from donating blood has changed to a 12 month fixed period deferral from the latest relevant sexual contact following an evidence based review by the Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO)... Previously, men who had ever had oral or anal sex with another man, even if a condom was used, were permanently excluded from blood donation in the UK. The change means that only men who have had anal or oral sex with another man in the past 12 months, with or without a condom, are asked not to donate blood. Men whose last sexual contact with another man was more than 12 months ago are eligible to donate, subject to meeting the other donor selection criteria."


However, when it comes specifically to the question of organ donation, it seems that the organs of gay men will be accepted. The NHS Organ Donation website has this to say an organs donated by those who have had their blood refused.


  • 31. Can I be a donor if I have been turned down to donate blood? Yes. The decision about whether some or all organs or tissue are suitable for transplant is always made by a specialist, taking into account your medical history. There may be specific reasons why it has not been possible to donate blood, such as having had a blood transfusion or having had hepatitis in the past. Or there may be reasons why you could not give blood because of your health at the time - sometimes a simple thing like a cold or medication that you are taking can prevent you from donating blood"


When I worked on the UK National AIDS Help Line, we would tell callers that condoms were an effective barrier against HIV and other STI's. Furthermore, Oral sex is considered as a "Small But Real" risk to the receptive partner and a "Theoretical Risk Only" to the insertive partner as there have never been any reported cases of HIV transmission in this way.

I have never taken and do not take risks with my sexual health. Not a fan on "Cross-Your-Fingers-And-Dip-Your-Wick" and I can't accept that a few micrometers of latex makes that much difference to the sensation of sex.

Blood donars are asked a battery of questions about their health and life style and a blood sample is first taken from the donar before he or she can donate blood. If that sample comes back with any substances potentially harmful to the health of the donar, he will be contacted, counselled accordingly and requested not to donate blood.

All blood donations are screened and treated anyway to prevent anything like HIV other Sexually Transmitted Infections as well as CJD, drugs and medicines contaminating the supply. It's almost fool-proof - it has to be.

Therefore, until the National Blood Transfusion Service stop discriminating against gay men who don't pose a risk, they're not getting my organs or any other part of my body either!


I agree with the opting out option. The reason organ donation is normally so low is because people just don't put in the little effort to check the little box. It's not that they are against organ donation; they're just lazy.

Im just hoping that science can get to the point soon, where they can transplant brains into another body.

Id pay that price to be put in a young mans body!!!

What I dont like, is that you have to DONATE your organs. You cant SELL them anymore.

Im like, WTF!!! Its MY kidney, and I want $80,000 for it...so fuck off!!!!

If someone is willing to live with one thing less in their body, and someone else is willing to pay the price, then WHY is that wrong??????

As in the wise words of Michael Jackson.....
"Thats just ignorant".

If someone wants something from me, then they are going to pay for it.....otherwise Im taking everything with me.

This gay blood donation reminds me I saw this.


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