reference back to the original OP and there has been a lot psted here
maybe my opinions are tooo critical but:
this how damaging racism starts that can drive you and your neighbor to discriminate on employment, mortgages... The real stuff in life that would reduce people's opportunity based on race. You can see how this would amplify and move on to the next generation.
Definitely doesn't make you racist.
I'm a white male, and tend to date primarily latin men - but definitely men who are not white. I've had one relationship with a white guy - but we tend to bore me when it comes to dating. There have been another two that lasted several months who were of multiple ethnicities (read: white and latin), but their latin traits shone through.
I've dated a couple of black guys, a couple of asian guys, latin guys from pretty much every country of origin on the planet - and ONE white guy.
It doesn't mean I hate my people, right? I'm just not typically attracted to my what I've always known and what's familiar..