Buy him a drink and let him buy you one. If he won't, can he count as potential boyfriend? And / or invite him to see a film which you'd both like to see and you can discuss afterwards (if you are into pictures).
Go to a place that's neutral where you can both be comfortable with your surroundings. You can easily get away if you find you have nothing in common. One drink and that's all (sort of thing).
Ask him about himself but maybe allow for some items of your life first, but don't be too long over it. [I'm from so and so, what about you? I've got a car but prefer riding my bicycle at the weekends. Do you like cycling? (sort of thing)]
So how did you meet this guy? Was it through Gaydar?
Why are you worried?
Are you afraid of
1* liking him too much?
2* not liking him at all or enough?
3* getting into something you hadn't ventured for too early?
I'd say go with a relaxed mind. It's always a bit scary meeting someone new for the first time but you honestly have nothing to lose, and neither does he. You don't have to get into anything that you are unprepared for. I'd say you can admit to being a bit scared as it's your first date. Maybe he ought to know that? Or maybe you'd rather keep it private... See what you see fit to reveal about yourself.
I'd say be honest, and be honest with yourself but without being hurtful or rude. I'm sure you can act as a gentleman. (and NOT, if the occasion arises

I'd also say don't rush into sex unless you are both ready for it and have taken the usual precautions. Sex is best when you are ready for it and when the circumstances are right. If you are both looking for experience which will lead nowhere, then one night stands are ok. If you are looking for something more long term, let the relationship and the conversation develop first. It's nice to know someone a bit better than jumping straight into their pants (unless they're up for it, or course).
Lots of advice here (and its contrary). It's for you to measure up the situation and what it will allow you to do and say.
All the best, Malcs, and good luck. You are still our favourite roadside rescuer, lol.
