To my limited knowledge, I was under the cognitive understanding that, On the scale of Autistic development of Emotional rationale and understanding, they unfortunately are not on the "upside", for various neurological reasons...along with sufferes of Bi-Polar Disorder, Asbergers Syndrome and a Narcissistic Complexes...and somewhat borders, if not exemplifies Apathetic behaviours due to the lack of relatability...
However, I could very easily be wrong, to which I have absolutely no problem admitting, point it out Sis, but, in the event that I am not, would meeting someone especially online, be wise?
You yourself have alluded to being Naive, meanwhile, this very same Naivety can ultimately be your cripple and not your Autism per se, as many men, such as Gemmy has said, would be hard pressed to not take advantage of an "easy situation".
If you must do this, whether virtually or face to face, you must arm yourself with the knowledge to protect yourself from harm and not just physically. You must know the limitations within your ability to function with the hand you've been dealt.
Do not use them as an excuse however, to cop out or let things slide/happen.
Your mind, no matter the state of it, is perhaps one of the strongest tools you can ever learn to wield, and as yours seems to be hinged well, grab the door and close it to what you feel is wrong for you and open it for what is right.
Excuses are for the weak and the Weak use excuses. Be strong and make a Choice/Plan.