07-31-2013, 08:11 AM
Just a bit of a rant/story, and I invite everyone to tell stories of similar situations!
I was at PokeCon in Louisville Kentucky two weekends ago. I had a generally terrible time due to several events, the biggest being me being put on steroids that gave me a migraine so bad Sunday that I literally fell unconcious and then the "friends" I went with taking advantage of me being "asleep" to use me as a guard dog to watch their stuff while they had fun. I faded in and out enough to remember them dropping off their stuff, chilling next to me briefly, and saying something to me, all in roughly a two-three hour period. I'm glad to say they are no longer in my life.
One good thing happened at this anime convention though.
I met the most amazing girl ever!
Now, I've been in some very abusive relationships with males, not physical, but more mental/emotional, the latest and worst being a guy that constantly lied to my face and strung me along until my questioning of his lies (not everything added up and he'd ignore me when I tried to ask about it) led him to snap. I think if we were in the same room at the time he probably would have beaten me. I tried piecing the lies vs truth together after the breakup but now I just hope his lies and moodiness bite him in the ass one day. Anyway, these males that were ALL terrible to me has led me to want to try dating those of the female kind again. My last girlfriend was a psychopath that wanted to have sex with dogs, but that was a long time ago, and I want to give dating girls another chance.
The only difference is this round, I want someone that won't flip out on me, and if they do, I'm not sticking around to comfort them/help them through whatever they're going through. Once anything abusive starts, I'm out. I've learned my lesson(s).
Okay, back to the con. I was hosting a panel on corsets and their use for cosplay and general fashion and while I was setting up, I was fretting a little because it was my FIRST panel EVER! A girl that my "friends" made offered to help me, which at first I thought she was a boy because she had her chest bound since she was playing Dave from Homestuck, which made it much more interesting when this cool dude suddenly walks in wearing a corset with these perky boobs! She assisted me, acting as a model and making sure I didn't talk to fast along with one of the "friends" that also had a corset. We hung out and the girl, Alex, was so amazing and sweet! I felt instantly comfortable with her, which I don't do because in real life I'm very reserved and introverted. We laughed and talked about our preferences in sexual fanfictions (and real life sexual acts) and our favorite fandoms and I knew I wanted to get to know her better so maybe I could ask her out on a date or something!
And then came the comment that made me want to, as the title says, FLIP A TABLE!
"You remind me of my girlfriend!"
Yep. This piece of pump, corseted, adorable, sweet, open PERFECTION was TAKEN!
I shouldn't be surprised, I mean, she's awesome! But the fact I'm pretty much summed up to be her type is just a bit frustrating as it give the knowledge that if she was single, she'd actually say yes to a date (which doesn't happen ever when I ask)!
I'm not saying we'd end up being girlfriends or anything, but I would have still liked to have gotten to know her better and maybe we could be maybe.
I don't know, maybe I'm a little over-reactive since it's 3am and I just talked to her on Facebook, but it still kind irks me somehow, just knowing that I'm the type for someone that I'm actually attracted to physically and mentally!
(And for those that don't know, I'm more asexual so physical attraction is like finding diamonds in your own back yard)
Anyway, until I find someone this amazing, I'm just going to either casually date or even better, focus on my studies and my general people skills.
Sorry for the flip-flopped story and for the ranting. It's late and I have a lot on my mind @_@ Like a headache lol I'm off to bed!
Like I said, if anyone has a similar story (finding the ideal person to date and you find out they're taken/you're their type but something is keeping you from being with them/etc) then share!
Also, I'm not looking for advice, I'd like to make that clear, I'm just kinda getting all this off my chest I suppose.
I was at PokeCon in Louisville Kentucky two weekends ago. I had a generally terrible time due to several events, the biggest being me being put on steroids that gave me a migraine so bad Sunday that I literally fell unconcious and then the "friends" I went with taking advantage of me being "asleep" to use me as a guard dog to watch their stuff while they had fun. I faded in and out enough to remember them dropping off their stuff, chilling next to me briefly, and saying something to me, all in roughly a two-three hour period. I'm glad to say they are no longer in my life.
One good thing happened at this anime convention though.
I met the most amazing girl ever!
Now, I've been in some very abusive relationships with males, not physical, but more mental/emotional, the latest and worst being a guy that constantly lied to my face and strung me along until my questioning of his lies (not everything added up and he'd ignore me when I tried to ask about it) led him to snap. I think if we were in the same room at the time he probably would have beaten me. I tried piecing the lies vs truth together after the breakup but now I just hope his lies and moodiness bite him in the ass one day. Anyway, these males that were ALL terrible to me has led me to want to try dating those of the female kind again. My last girlfriend was a psychopath that wanted to have sex with dogs, but that was a long time ago, and I want to give dating girls another chance.
The only difference is this round, I want someone that won't flip out on me, and if they do, I'm not sticking around to comfort them/help them through whatever they're going through. Once anything abusive starts, I'm out. I've learned my lesson(s).
Okay, back to the con. I was hosting a panel on corsets and their use for cosplay and general fashion and while I was setting up, I was fretting a little because it was my FIRST panel EVER! A girl that my "friends" made offered to help me, which at first I thought she was a boy because she had her chest bound since she was playing Dave from Homestuck, which made it much more interesting when this cool dude suddenly walks in wearing a corset with these perky boobs! She assisted me, acting as a model and making sure I didn't talk to fast along with one of the "friends" that also had a corset. We hung out and the girl, Alex, was so amazing and sweet! I felt instantly comfortable with her, which I don't do because in real life I'm very reserved and introverted. We laughed and talked about our preferences in sexual fanfictions (and real life sexual acts) and our favorite fandoms and I knew I wanted to get to know her better so maybe I could ask her out on a date or something!
And then came the comment that made me want to, as the title says, FLIP A TABLE!
"You remind me of my girlfriend!"
Yep. This piece of pump, corseted, adorable, sweet, open PERFECTION was TAKEN!
I shouldn't be surprised, I mean, she's awesome! But the fact I'm pretty much summed up to be her type is just a bit frustrating as it give the knowledge that if she was single, she'd actually say yes to a date (which doesn't happen ever when I ask)!
I'm not saying we'd end up being girlfriends or anything, but I would have still liked to have gotten to know her better and maybe we could be maybe.
I don't know, maybe I'm a little over-reactive since it's 3am and I just talked to her on Facebook, but it still kind irks me somehow, just knowing that I'm the type for someone that I'm actually attracted to physically and mentally!
(And for those that don't know, I'm more asexual so physical attraction is like finding diamonds in your own back yard)
Anyway, until I find someone this amazing, I'm just going to either casually date or even better, focus on my studies and my general people skills.
Sorry for the flip-flopped story and for the ranting. It's late and I have a lot on my mind @_@ Like a headache lol I'm off to bed!
Like I said, if anyone has a similar story (finding the ideal person to date and you find out they're taken/you're their type but something is keeping you from being with them/etc) then share!

Also, I'm not looking for advice, I'd like to make that clear, I'm just kinda getting all this off my chest I suppose.