I hate using that term. I have come to think of it as annoying and overused. What are some other terms that convey the same idea?
"pinched off a rainbow turd"
Hm. Well okay then. I wasn't aware there was anything "safe" about using that term. As far as I know, nobody is bothered enough to find an alternative. I'd say the alternatives would be the actual PC way to go about it.
Yeah, I'm not sure if theres any other way to put it.
In Filipino, people say, 'mag-ladlad' or to 'unfurl' or to show ones true colors.
I can't really imagine calling it any other way in English.
Do you have any suggestions in mind Arkansota..?
I propose instead of trying to make alternatives for something that is already hard for most people to internalize, conceptualize, accept and state, that we actually de-stigmatize the word/phrase so that it doesn't need an alternative, let alone more than one.
How about that first?
The alternative to Horse and Buggeys are cars, but Buggeys had to come first before an alternative could be made for it.
Such as this. People didn't say, Horse and Buggeys are overused, *poof* , let's ride in our new Toyota Civic, time had to elapse and the transition had to occur.
^^^ Horseless Carriage. Became the Automobile then the car and in the New England states they have refined it further to the 'ca'.
+ + + <> + + + <> + + +
Gayanaised? Sort of like mayonnaised.
Gayafied - sort of like = ya'll be gay gods - thus you have been Gayafied.
homoized - (not to be confused with homogenized)
Fagged = He's been fagged recently...
Queered - Similar to Fagged.
I actually fail to see a problem with 'come out'.
Perhaps because when ever I hear it I think of 'come out, come out who ever you are' which was popular in the 1980's to call homosexuals out of their closets.
Of course your generation just doesn't understand the real importance of having been in a closet in order to survive - back in the bad old days when people would kill you for being gay - or at least do their damnedest to achieve a kill.
So coming out was a big deal - much bigger deal than it is for your kids who worry about having your trust funds cut off or something.
Well humph! I wasn't being literal Mr.Smarty Pants. And we don't call them Carriages...they're buggeys ^o^ .
So there :p