Hi guys i need a rant...
So...beginning of august has turned out to be a drag so far!
I've been beaten up by a group of lads for absolutely no reason, ended up in hospital with dislocated shoulder, concussion and serious bruising all over my head. Didn't even know the guys and know i haven't done anything wrong.
Then, i get out of hospital to find my mother has fallen out with me over a sarcastic comment i had made on facebook :S which she genuinely wont let me make up with her or apologise for.
And now to top it off...i was supposed to get paid my benefits money today as i lost my job again in july (dam agency's) and i haven't been paid.
So....i go down to speak with them and find out why, turns out because i was 45 minutes late to an appointment they can stop paying me for 4 weeks
So now i'm stuck with no food for 4 weeks and no mother to rely on because she wont talk to me. Tried citizens advice for a food parcel and the dam place is closed for appointments only until friday
Also gonna run out of electric as its on emergency credit!!!
And because of NEW LEGISLATION and David Cameron's government i no longer have any help available to see me through until my sanction is over.
So at the very least its been a S**T time for me so far. Its my birthday on friday too so thats kind if depressing that im not going to have any money to do anything or even eat fgs!!
Anyway just wanted to rant before my electric go's and im left isolated from the world lol.
So...beginning of august has turned out to be a drag so far!
I've been beaten up by a group of lads for absolutely no reason, ended up in hospital with dislocated shoulder, concussion and serious bruising all over my head. Didn't even know the guys and know i haven't done anything wrong.
Then, i get out of hospital to find my mother has fallen out with me over a sarcastic comment i had made on facebook :S which she genuinely wont let me make up with her or apologise for.
And now to top it off...i was supposed to get paid my benefits money today as i lost my job again in july (dam agency's) and i haven't been paid.
So....i go down to speak with them and find out why, turns out because i was 45 minutes late to an appointment they can stop paying me for 4 weeks

So now i'm stuck with no food for 4 weeks and no mother to rely on because she wont talk to me. Tried citizens advice for a food parcel and the dam place is closed for appointments only until friday

Also gonna run out of electric as its on emergency credit!!!
And because of NEW LEGISLATION and David Cameron's government i no longer have any help available to see me through until my sanction is over.
So at the very least its been a S**T time for me so far. Its my birthday on friday too so thats kind if depressing that im not going to have any money to do anything or even eat fgs!!
Anyway just wanted to rant before my electric go's and im left isolated from the world lol.