This probably isn’t an advice you are hoping for but that’s the only thing I can offer. I knew I’m gay since forever, even before I knew that word, and I never told a single soul (well okay I did once to a new friend out of fear she might think I’m hitting on her, but it was unnecessary, she knew on her own), people just knew, the same way they know someone’s hetero I think. I’m not obvious, I don’t „act gay†as some call it (although I’m interested in cooking, interior design and hate football/soccer, but many straight guys do too ... I like hockey by the way XD), except when obviously fooling around, but I don’t try to purposefully hid it and those who care about me - know. Guess they notice I’m not staring at girl’s tits but guys’ butts and stuff like that

You know, tiny hints that come up in innocent conversations and that kind of stuff. And those who don’t care enough to notice little things like that? Sorry but I don’t think it’s their business anyway, I don’t walk around asking people if they like brunettes or red heads so why would they care if I like guys or girls? If someone asks I answer truthfully because I don’t see why I should be hiding that but if they don’t ask, then I just don’t care what they think, why would I?
I don’t know if that kind of behaviour would work for you, since like I said I always knew, I never had that „transition time†when everyone around thought I’m straight so I don’t know if that would work in your situation, theoretically it should but I don’t know, the parents thing makes me worried, mine new since I was a baby, so it’s even hard for me to imagine how parents might not notice and what I’d do if they didn’t, but as for friends I can’t see why someone should be making a big deal from telling each and every of their friends and acquaintance, who they like, straight people don’t why would we? (Unless of course someone wants to and feels they need that kind of „revelation†for various reasons). Just you know, thought I’d show you that there is that option as well