08-12-2013, 06:16 AM
Hopefully we can talk about past-ees, cause I ain't got no man right now lol ;3 .
Some here may remember him, but my Highschool BF was my first Boyfriend, but it was very much odd.
It all started out tinted rosey...(Montage ensues...lol)
So, in our first year, I didn't know any one as we all come from different middle schools and the few people I did come over with found new "cliques", so I was left to my books in the courtyard under my favourite Cedar Tree...the Schools namesake; CedarBridge Academy.
I would notice this group of three guys who sat further out in the open and were conversing animatedly, and I remember looking at the tallest one in the middle, who was very "boyish", you know, starting playfights and the like, so I would often look up from my book in annoyance, because these silly boys were disrupting my freedom time away from class...
Until one day, one of the boys, an Arabic Boy, though born here, walked over to me and asked me how I was. Immediately my defences went up and I was short, and quick with him, trying to figure out why he was talking to me of all people. Not to say these boys were the "cool guys", but socially, they were above me on the ladder.
So he pretty much asks if I wanted to come over to their bench and talk about stuff. Still apprehensive, I took my 13 year old self, books held to my chest like some fucking school girl ( This is before I was really comfortable with myself) and sat down next to them, the tallest one, light skinned like myself watched me as I pulled on my sweater sleeves.
Then the shortest guy, who was from Ecuador, started talking to me about my books, alot of them he liked. He was and even to this day way too smart for school, heck, he was 11 going 12! So anywho, from that day one, we all hung out alot, The Arabic boy and I becoming really close. Which I kind of think bothered the Taller boy...
So to jump into our 2nd year, it was kind of the same, except I was now enrolled in alot of Music Classes and rehearsals, so I didn't always eat lunch with the guys anymore. The Taller lightskin guy like me got into sports, basketball specifically, the Arabic boy got into Computers and Programming and the Spanish boy got into the Math-letes and the debate team, so we kind of all got busy into our respective areas.
But now, in our 3rd Year, we started to hang back together, however, the Spanish boy being the genius that he was/is, had to frequently represent our school abroad, as he was the Captain of the Math-letes and Debate Team and was also Deputy Head Boy, so it was really just me, the Arabic boy and the other lightskin guy.
Me and the Arabic boy purposefully signed up for the same Core Classes, English, Math and Science and Social Studies, an P.E, although I took double P.E so I wouldn't have to do it in my last year
. So we were really close and we even still are to this day, but the other Lightskin guy had different classes, so we only saw him at lunch, but sometimes I had Music Rehearsals and the Arabic boy had his Programming tutorial at lunch, so we didn't always meet up.
Here comes the shocker.
So one day, I'm in Music Rehearsals, but my teacher steps out, so I practice alone on my Cello at the time and the Lightskin guy walks in, still in his P.E clothes. He never ever came in the Music Room, heck, he only knew it was there because you had to cross it to get to the gym! He pulls up a chair and goes "so whatcha playin?" And I'm sitting there flabbergasted lol.
I told him "Bach's Cello Prelude No.1", as I was learning it at the time for an exam. He just asked me to play it, so I hesitantly did and by the end he looked impressed (insert huge blush lol)
But then, out of no fucking where, he asks "So, are you gay?"...gurl, when I say I nearly flew backwards with shock,....At this point, I was fairly comfortable with myself and think he knew I had a crush on him, but at any rate, I said..."yeah...is that okay?"
And he just smiled and goes "I knew you were, I thought you watched me alot" and he wasn't wrong lol(blush again) and proceeds to put his hand on my knee and basically asks me out and I was like...FlatLine....dead...
And I stupidly was like, "okay!" Without even asking him was he gay or even Bi and from there we did Boyfriend things, hug, hold hands, play around, you know blah blah. But over time, he started to treat me like the "girlfriend" and while normally I wouldn't mind it or be offended, he did it in a way that made me feel like less of a guy...
He went from asking me to do his tie for him, to basically dressing him, from asking me to help him with homework, to doing it for him, just stuff that guys here typically pawn off on girls and I knew this...obviously cause I've grown up here. But he would even try to drag me out of Music Rehearsals to watch him Play Basketball...and while I did when I could, he wanted me there all the time and I just couldn't give up my Music for him...
Going into our Fourth and Final year, he actually got retained and I went forward and at this, he got really vex, and basically said I was leaving him behind, even though I tried several times to help him boost his grades and even pass the "jump" exam, which would've allowed him to "jump" into the correct year had he passed, but he wasn't applying himself...
Basically, he pretty much ended it, despite me trying to work it out for him, but it wasn't meant to be. So I spent the rest of the year avoiding and being avoided by him, reconnecting with our Mutual friend the Arabic boy and made new friends who still are (though mostly on FB now) and going on with my life.
The last time I saw him was actually at my Graduation, he was in the Hall, towards the front row and I saw him....he looked proud, but kinda jealous too..., but I had to keep moving.
Now we have reconnected on FB and although we are not getting back together, we talked a out it and have become friends again.
So I suppose it worked out in the end
....gosh gurl, dat was a story lol .
Some here may remember him, but my Highschool BF was my first Boyfriend, but it was very much odd.
It all started out tinted rosey...(Montage ensues...lol)
So, in our first year, I didn't know any one as we all come from different middle schools and the few people I did come over with found new "cliques", so I was left to my books in the courtyard under my favourite Cedar Tree...the Schools namesake; CedarBridge Academy.
I would notice this group of three guys who sat further out in the open and were conversing animatedly, and I remember looking at the tallest one in the middle, who was very "boyish", you know, starting playfights and the like, so I would often look up from my book in annoyance, because these silly boys were disrupting my freedom time away from class...
Until one day, one of the boys, an Arabic Boy, though born here, walked over to me and asked me how I was. Immediately my defences went up and I was short, and quick with him, trying to figure out why he was talking to me of all people. Not to say these boys were the "cool guys", but socially, they were above me on the ladder.
So he pretty much asks if I wanted to come over to their bench and talk about stuff. Still apprehensive, I took my 13 year old self, books held to my chest like some fucking school girl ( This is before I was really comfortable with myself) and sat down next to them, the tallest one, light skinned like myself watched me as I pulled on my sweater sleeves.
Then the shortest guy, who was from Ecuador, started talking to me about my books, alot of them he liked. He was and even to this day way too smart for school, heck, he was 11 going 12! So anywho, from that day one, we all hung out alot, The Arabic boy and I becoming really close. Which I kind of think bothered the Taller boy...
So to jump into our 2nd year, it was kind of the same, except I was now enrolled in alot of Music Classes and rehearsals, so I didn't always eat lunch with the guys anymore. The Taller lightskin guy like me got into sports, basketball specifically, the Arabic boy got into Computers and Programming and the Spanish boy got into the Math-letes and the debate team, so we kind of all got busy into our respective areas.
But now, in our 3rd Year, we started to hang back together, however, the Spanish boy being the genius that he was/is, had to frequently represent our school abroad, as he was the Captain of the Math-letes and Debate Team and was also Deputy Head Boy, so it was really just me, the Arabic boy and the other lightskin guy.
Me and the Arabic boy purposefully signed up for the same Core Classes, English, Math and Science and Social Studies, an P.E, although I took double P.E so I wouldn't have to do it in my last year

Here comes the shocker.
So one day, I'm in Music Rehearsals, but my teacher steps out, so I practice alone on my Cello at the time and the Lightskin guy walks in, still in his P.E clothes. He never ever came in the Music Room, heck, he only knew it was there because you had to cross it to get to the gym! He pulls up a chair and goes "so whatcha playin?" And I'm sitting there flabbergasted lol.
I told him "Bach's Cello Prelude No.1", as I was learning it at the time for an exam. He just asked me to play it, so I hesitantly did and by the end he looked impressed (insert huge blush lol)
But then, out of no fucking where, he asks "So, are you gay?"...gurl, when I say I nearly flew backwards with shock,....At this point, I was fairly comfortable with myself and think he knew I had a crush on him, but at any rate, I said..."yeah...is that okay?"
And he just smiled and goes "I knew you were, I thought you watched me alot" and he wasn't wrong lol(blush again) and proceeds to put his hand on my knee and basically asks me out and I was like...FlatLine....dead...
And I stupidly was like, "okay!" Without even asking him was he gay or even Bi and from there we did Boyfriend things, hug, hold hands, play around, you know blah blah. But over time, he started to treat me like the "girlfriend" and while normally I wouldn't mind it or be offended, he did it in a way that made me feel like less of a guy...
He went from asking me to do his tie for him, to basically dressing him, from asking me to help him with homework, to doing it for him, just stuff that guys here typically pawn off on girls and I knew this...obviously cause I've grown up here. But he would even try to drag me out of Music Rehearsals to watch him Play Basketball...and while I did when I could, he wanted me there all the time and I just couldn't give up my Music for him...
Going into our Fourth and Final year, he actually got retained and I went forward and at this, he got really vex, and basically said I was leaving him behind, even though I tried several times to help him boost his grades and even pass the "jump" exam, which would've allowed him to "jump" into the correct year had he passed, but he wasn't applying himself...
Basically, he pretty much ended it, despite me trying to work it out for him, but it wasn't meant to be. So I spent the rest of the year avoiding and being avoided by him, reconnecting with our Mutual friend the Arabic boy and made new friends who still are (though mostly on FB now) and going on with my life.
The last time I saw him was actually at my Graduation, he was in the Hall, towards the front row and I saw him....he looked proud, but kinda jealous too..., but I had to keep moving.
Now we have reconnected on FB and although we are not getting back together, we talked a out it and have become friends again.
So I suppose it worked out in the end

....gosh gurl, dat was a story lol .