Lol, everyone knows I love my Fat meant in general...
Well, shit is shit and shit's gonna happen when shit's gonna happen...what can ya do?
I mean, personally, even my own mother asks if I shit, cause I only use "The Facilities" in my own home or at a friends house who I'm really cool wif. But my general view is, if it's gotta drop, it's gotta drop.
I plan around this, because shitting in a public bathroom to me is disgusting, cause of numerous factors, a main one being I don't knoww what germs might wanna crawl up my hole as soon as I sit my Fat Ass down...
But in general, it's what evs.
I mean, Still Clean dat Ass regardless! But it's not really a big issue.
I carry around portable Baby Wipes, just incase I stop by a friends house...Lavender Hunni.
Gay Guys should already know these "ins and outs", no pun intended, of Ass Holes, including theirs. It's like how a Girl should know how to insert a Tampon...gawd, even I know!
It's up to you if you don't wanna fuck it or be fucked in it, but at the end of the day gurl, learn about that hole hunni, it'll bless your entire Gay
Ass Life!