I take it halle berrys catwoman was pretty bad, i remeber watching a bit and changing channel after 5 minutes, didn't appeal.
See, I didn't think Halle Berry did that bad a job. I mean, it wasn't the most loyal interpretation, but that's not really her fault - it's the directors. At the end of the day, she was just reading the script, and doing her job. I loved her costume though, it felt very "Catwoman" to me.
Definitely agree that Julie Newmar was the best Catwoman. Eartha Kitt did a good job at making her performance... memorable... but I never really saw her as much of a replacement. Have to say, Catwoman is the only DC comic I ever read as a kid, never been much of a fan of Batman or Superman
I haven't watched the 2 sequels to Batman Returns yet - on account of the fact I thought the movie was laaaaaaaaaame - but on seeing Anne Hathaway in the Catwomen costume, I know I'll have to watch them eventually.
I really like how the costume isn't so over-the-top as Halle Berrys, or Michelle Pfeiffers - it looks like a practical cat-thief outfit, but still retains the sexy-vibe. I just hope her performance works for me, I love Anne Hathaway, so I'll be really dissapointed if she lets me down here :p
I think Michelle Pfiffer was amazing. Her portrayal will always be what I think of when I think "Catwoman." Ann Hathaway just didn't do it for me. She's too sweet looking. In fact, as amazing as "Dark Knight" is, "Batman Returns" remains my favorite batman movie still. I mean come on, the Red Triangle Circus Gang? Penguins with rockets? Christopher Walken? Snow? It's the best.
Wade Wrote:I think Michelle Pfiffer was amazing. Her portrayal will always be what I think of when I think "Catwoman." Ann Hathaway just didn't do it for me. She's too sweet looking. In fact, as amazing as "Dark Knight" is, "Batman Returns" remains my favorite batman movie still. I mean come on, the Red Triangle Circus Gang? Penguins with rockets? Christopher Walken? Snow? It's the best.
I totally agree with you
kidchameleon Wrote:See, I didn't think Halle Berry did that bad a job. I mean, it wasn't the most loyal interpretation, but that's not really her fault - it's the directors. At the end of the day, she was just reading the script, and doing her job. I loved her costume though, it felt very "Catwoman" to me.
Definitely agree that Julie Newmar was the best Catwoman. Eartha Kitt did a good job at making her performance... memorable... but I never really saw her as much of a replacement. Have to say, Catwoman is the only DC comic I ever read as a kid, never been much of a fan of Batman or Superman 
I haven't watched the 2 sequels to Batman Returns yet - on account of the fact I thought the movie was laaaaaaaaaame - but on seeing Anne Hathaway in the Catwomen costume, I know I'll have to watch them eventually.
I really like how the costume isn't so over-the-top as Halle Berrys, or Michelle Pfeiffers - it looks like a practical cat-thief outfit, but still retains the sexy-vibe. I just hope her performance works for me, I love Anne Hathaway, so I'll be really dissapointed if she lets me down here :p
Oh kid you should just watch the Dark knight, it stands alone, the 1st and 3rd installment dont even come close in my opinion.
I also love Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. She is the one and only true Catwoman to me. Anne Hathaway was just plain awful at the part. I don't care if she did look good in the suit. She just could not play the part.
Totally agree with pfeiffer, she the cat woman i know. Love Anne Hathaway for her "i dreamed a.dream" in les miserable, not catwoman, that whole film felt flat to me.
Well, Pfiffer had the stylized costume and some really good "Catwoman lines", other than that.....eh.
As I said, she did a good job, but wasnt really Catwoman material to me. Plus she was the only woman in the movie of Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito, and Christopher Walken. So she DID "stick out", regardless of any catsuit.
The new Catwoman (Hathaway), she had the "tude" and a good costume, but the movie makers took out the "glamour" that IS Catwoman. Which I didnt like. But Ann is still a great aspect for Catwoman. And they are in "talks" about doing a new Catwoman movie with her being the lead. She just needs to be glammed up a bit.
Halle Berry did a great job also, but her costume left fans with hairballs stuck in their throats.
She had the "meow" and the "wow" down pat.......but that costume was SO not anything close to Catwoman.......so the fans did not approve, and the movie suffered for it.
Batman Returns is STILL the GREATEST Batman movie so far........
regardless of what any critic says!
I mean, really!!! PeeWee Herman (Paul Reubens) as Oswald Cobblepotts (The Penguin) father????
How fucking more brilliant can you get?????
Tim Burton fucking RULED with his version of Batman.
To my surprise I liked Halle Berry as Catwoman. I skipped it at the cinema because most comic book movies aren't my thing and the previews made me think it was just going to be a woman showing off in tight leather with hints of S&M (just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean that appeals to me). But I accidentally caught it on cable while housesitting and I recognized Hale Berry and found something funny about it (plus I was bored) so I watched (coming into the movie early). I'm so glad I didn't know what that movie was at first or I'd have refused to watch!
I think my favorite part was how she went from one personality (mousy, shy, bullied worker to complete opposite as catwoman), sometimes mere seconds of each other back and forth as the personalities fight within her.
I also liked the mythical (mostly Egyptian of course) that went into it, though I was pretty sure so many "chick flick" elements of it (not just winning the man and the biggest villains being a manipulative female as standard of all chick flicks but come on, a theme of cosmetics, beauty, an insecure woman who becomes empowered & sexy, and an unfaithful husbands with disreputable slut!) weren't true to the story as the I know the story (as all superhero comics when she was created) is geared to a male audience not a female...and that was probably its biggest problem in being accepted in that few women wanted to see it while the men that were already fans had a completely different image in mind and different things to care about in a story. I'm not surprised it flopped, because it was targeting the wrong audience. If they wanted to do better without changing the movie then they should've named her something other than Catwoman and advertised through Cosmopolitan instead of targeting comic book fans!