09-03-2013, 05:53 AM
Hi Guys and gals!
Top of the morning to you all
I've been waiting with baited breath for a few days before posting this, just to make certain it's true..
The sun's finally decided to wake up earlier!!!!! YAAAAAAY!!
Now I can fluff up me beautiful glossy feather's,
Waggle my ever-so-sexy tail,
Do my calisthenics,
Practice my quack,
And start to plan that long long long migration South I've been blabbering on about!
Top of the morning to you all

I've been waiting with baited breath for a few days before posting this, just to make certain it's true..

Now I can fluff up me beautiful glossy feather's,
Waggle my ever-so-sexy tail,
Do my calisthenics,
Practice my quack,
And start to plan that long long long migration South I've been blabbering on about!