I met a guy for a one night stand after some rejection. There was no explicit statement from each other that we would have sex but it happened. Afterwards, he cuddled me to him tightly all night. I felt really good. He chatted to me and it was sweet. Next morning, rolls over and cuddles me again. I know that personally, I would not cuddle anyone I did not have feeling for. I would just roll over and say goodnight and feel a burning shame and repulsion at myself for getting into such a situation. Next day he drops me in to the city and tells me to give him a text during the week and rubs my head. He told me he enjoyed himself.
Can anyone tell me if this is an indication of something more? In general terms. I didn't expect to see this guy as a viable option but hey, it's happened.
Thanks for any replies. Sarkiness won't be appreciated.
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I wouldn't try to over think this situation just yet. He may enjoy cuddling and be totally unaware how others may feel about that type of closeness.
Everybody has different emotional states, this may just be his.
I would wait two days and text him something simple, like "hi, hope you are having a nice day" and leave it at that. If he replies, fine....if not, then you know for sure.
Ive been with some guys who are super "clingy" and then nothing......its just how they are.
Don't overly read into every little action or detail cause
you're not dating or in a relationship.
Just let things play out like it should, just got with the flow.
If he texts back, shoot him a reply. If you haven't heard from him in a
day or so send him a hello or something. Some people get overly
eager after the first date/encounter that they end up pushing the
other person away.
As for cuddling, I think it's a human thing to like to be held. Specially
in a romantic-sense, but I wouldn't read much into it, cause in my
experience cuddling it just that.
good luck :]
Apparently he has had enough one night stands where he doesn't feel likes he's burning with shame and takes it as a 'normal' sort of thing and shows a bit of kindness in the morning with a cuddle.
I have only had two one night stands, and both were 'gentlemanly' enough to not kick me directly out of bed - and both fed me breakfast as well (one cooked, the other took me to a diner).
There was 'nothing' to this - just two people who had seen each other naked and gotten real intimate being casual enough about it to not make it into a big deal and not hang too much emotional on the situation.
I assume that guys who do a lot of one night stands are gentlemanly about it and do try to keep it comfortable for all concerned in the morning.
I cuddle al my hookups.
I like cuddling, but it's not an indicator that someone is special, it's just something I enjoy.
Well if you want something more then you'll have to text him u.u