09-09-2013, 10:59 PM
And so this explains people born with no legs or even losing them at some point in life can learn to swim on par or better than people with limbs. I'm sure we do disagree to agree ma'am.
But again, impairment cannot be comparable with common sense, as being Drunk obviously constitutes being mentally impaired, so how then can that be compared to the consciously aware person applying common sense to a situation.
I have not misunderstood, but I don't think what you're trying to tell me is coming across right, because you are comparing apples and oranges.
And luck has nothing to do with common sense, but circumstance. True a Drunk driver hitting you is bad luck, but is not a show of lack of Common sense for either party, as this is a matter of circumstance.
Common Sense requires awareness and judgment, something a Drunk person lacks significantly more than a non-drunk person.
If you had said;
It's Common sense for a person to walk around a ladder rather than underneath and that Driving while texting shows a lack of common sense, as this is a poor act of judgment, would have been a more accurate statement.
As the two are comparable in that they are both unpaired, however one shows Common Sense in walking around the ladder because he was aware and showed good judgment, whereas the other showed poor Common Sense in that he showed poor judgment in pulling out his phone while driving, which removed his awareness and thus becomes bad luck of circumstance for whomever he strikes. Which is then a matter of circumstance, not necessarily lack of common sense, however it stems from it.
As luck of either end can occur when aware and not aware.
At least that's how it makes sense
But again, impairment cannot be comparable with common sense, as being Drunk obviously constitutes being mentally impaired, so how then can that be compared to the consciously aware person applying common sense to a situation.
I have not misunderstood, but I don't think what you're trying to tell me is coming across right, because you are comparing apples and oranges.
And luck has nothing to do with common sense, but circumstance. True a Drunk driver hitting you is bad luck, but is not a show of lack of Common sense for either party, as this is a matter of circumstance.
Common Sense requires awareness and judgment, something a Drunk person lacks significantly more than a non-drunk person.
If you had said;
It's Common sense for a person to walk around a ladder rather than underneath and that Driving while texting shows a lack of common sense, as this is a poor act of judgment, would have been a more accurate statement.
As the two are comparable in that they are both unpaired, however one shows Common Sense in walking around the ladder because he was aware and showed good judgment, whereas the other showed poor Common Sense in that he showed poor judgment in pulling out his phone while driving, which removed his awareness and thus becomes bad luck of circumstance for whomever he strikes. Which is then a matter of circumstance, not necessarily lack of common sense, however it stems from it.
As luck of either end can occur when aware and not aware.
At least that's how it makes sense