09-14-2013, 01:03 AM
Okey, I'm new here and I desperetly need advice.
My name is Raffaell 19yrs old and i'm from The Netherlands.
This is my story of being inlove with...what ppl call the forbidden fruit lol.
*excuse my english*
It was 2 years ago in the middle of the first school year, my class has been seperated and been fused with another class, so I had lunch at school and there was a guy *dark skinned african boy, SO HANDSOME* staring at me, I didn't show interest and replyed with *what you lookin at*.
Months passed by and we get to know each other very well and turned out in a bro-like-relation. After that I kinda started having feelings about him and I kept falling inlove with him. I one day asked him why are we best friends and why did you stare at me for so long....he said "I just had a feeling that I have to be friends with you" :/
Meanwhile we are bestfriends and we used to wrestle a bit and tickle each other, one time he made a kiss-movement in klass...*closed eyes and slowly turning his head*
I was shocked and acted like a caveman. People in class saw us tickleing each other and said * you a gay couple?!* we replyed with "NO" and continued.
One week before summer break I texted him on whtsapp and told him * I Love you*
He replyed with *ahaha ofcourse everyone loves me jk* But I told him I really loved him, and he was shocked and he asked me If I was serious, he said I'm straight.
Until that day my heart is still broken yet I still Love him SO MUCH
So ehm....my question...Is he gay cuz....what straight guy makes a fake kiss-movement
and tickles guys? No straight guy I know does that....so pls help
I tried getting overhim....It's impossible!!! His charmes are So damn strong
My name is Raffaell 19yrs old and i'm from The Netherlands.
This is my story of being inlove with...what ppl call the forbidden fruit lol.
*excuse my english*
It was 2 years ago in the middle of the first school year, my class has been seperated and been fused with another class, so I had lunch at school and there was a guy *dark skinned african boy, SO HANDSOME* staring at me, I didn't show interest and replyed with *what you lookin at*.
Months passed by and we get to know each other very well and turned out in a bro-like-relation. After that I kinda started having feelings about him and I kept falling inlove with him. I one day asked him why are we best friends and why did you stare at me for so long....he said "I just had a feeling that I have to be friends with you" :/
Meanwhile we are bestfriends and we used to wrestle a bit and tickle each other, one time he made a kiss-movement in klass...*closed eyes and slowly turning his head*
I was shocked and acted like a caveman. People in class saw us tickleing each other and said * you a gay couple?!* we replyed with "NO" and continued.
One week before summer break I texted him on whtsapp and told him * I Love you*
He replyed with *ahaha ofcourse everyone loves me jk* But I told him I really loved him, and he was shocked and he asked me If I was serious, he said I'm straight.
Until that day my heart is still broken yet I still Love him SO MUCH

So ehm....my question...Is he gay cuz....what straight guy makes a fake kiss-movement
and tickles guys? No straight guy I know does that....so pls help
I tried getting overhim....It's impossible!!! His charmes are So damn strong