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Even God hates bullies
Guys, the best way to avoid being bullied is to grow up in a family of Irish political gangsters. I had a voice identical to my Uncle John Gilhooly in NYC. I had fun as a kid visiting my friends in Hyannisport. The Kennedy Compound felt like home to me in the summer. I liked my cousin, Jack Kennedy, and thought he might go far in politics. In 1949, I asked Jack if he had a real job or a source of income like a well run candy store. Jack said his family made big money during Prohibition, the same way my family did. The Gilhoolys in NYC were beloved by police, firemen, transit workers and every jerk who needed a job sucking at the public teat. We got you jobs, you voted for anyone we told you to vote.

At the age of 4, me and my best friend, Tommy Mullins, looked under the voting curtain. If you voted a Democratic ticket, Tommy or I would hand you a dollar and proclaimed you a loyal American. God bless the Irish. We controlled Boston, Chicago and NYC. We made deals with everyone and made sure we controlled the police. When we controlled the police, there wasn't a goddamn thing you could do to us.

I loved growing up as a tough Irish gay boy on the streets of Manhattan. Crime was rampant and I was needed everywhere. I was the cute blond Irish boy who loved to save lives and run into burning buildings. Jack told me that a leader can only take the blame, save people's lives and keep your mouth shut about how politics is done in big cities in America. Now, from the public's point of view, we stood undivided. Unfortunately, we were human beings who needed lots of money to pay for limousines, fancy dinners and tuxedos when the press was around.

Privately, we were funny people and could have a good laugh at ourselves. We laughed at the poor, the middle class and the rich with equal disdain. We really liked people but it was more fun to care about people from a limousine. I had a great reputation for having sex with guys at the age of 10. The Kennedy's, Joe and Rose, tried to make me wear a diaper but I set them straight. I was a nude marine and wanted to go sailing and fight the pirates off the coast of New England. I announced that the pirates were women posing as men. Those damn women would try to take control of America if men give in to them. They were coming from the Tripoli, the Vatican and Mecca. They hated men to have sex with other men. I despise organized religions. God is the energy which keeps the universe together. My friend Tom was judged by a pagan who died 5000 years ago. Pagans don't care about money, we care about how you treat the world around you. Be kind to people, animals and plant life or you will go to hell.

SERIOUS: THE NUMBER ONE SIN PEOPLE GO TO HELL FOR IS GREED. You must prove you added more than you took from the planet.

I liked Jack but he betrayed me. He introduced me to his "intended" Jackie Beauvier. I asked what an "intended" was and he said he intended to marry Jackie. I told both of them that it was better to elope han go through some Irish wedding. I warned both that they would have to wear gowns and tuxedos. I hated wearing tuxedos to the Waldorf Hotel. I was supposed to give welcoming speeches to out of towners. I wanted to get home and run around in the nude. Nudists are truthful people and have nothing to hide. Politicians wear suits to hide cash and guns and try to start wars they can make a profit. Jack agreed with me. Did he take my advice. NO. He loved the Catholic family that ran South Vietnam and dragged us into that unholy war; like every other stupid invasion we wasted money on. Jackie stayed a friend until she died. She was an absolute pisser. She did imitations of herself as an airhead debutante that made me laugh. The public thought she was a refined lady. Not if you knew her!!!!

Attorney General John Mitchell was a relative. Heads of the Secret Service were relatives. You watched TV and were told NOTHING. I made phone calls and got disgusted finding out how the Republicans and Democrats did NOT care about the US. They loved to be reelected and don't give a shit about you and your family.

In early 1990's, I asked Tom to call Barney Frank, a friend of his. Tom worked for David Dinkins, the first black mayor of NYC. Tom called me back. "John, the Democrats won't break with Wall St. over derivatives." I told Tom to harass Chuck Schumer and the NY Delegation. Same answer. Wall St. is wonderful and derivatives will make America great. "Tom, call Rudy Giuliani, I went to college with him." "Sorry, John, the Republicans won't break ranks with Wall St." Tom and I both agreed that derivatives were a world class ponsee scheme. Cost you one trillion in the bailout. I was out of the market, I didn't suffer.

Guys, Tom and I had a gift. Call it mental telepathy or homosensuality but we knew what the other was thinking. Since I was 8, I played POKER when I needed money. Tom or my uncle played, I walked behind you and told them what cards you were dealt. People were amazed that an a cute Irish boy could win $6000 a night playing poker. Sorry guys. I guess I told my friends what cards you were holding. Poor you!!!! You always lost playing POKER to us. I grew up completely unattached to the concept of money. If you had too much in your wallet, I moved it to my wallet and made a swift getaway before you realized you could not win against us. I was very popular with boys in my neighborhood. I could always slip them a few dollars to eat or to hang around with me. Bullies got worried when I showed up in a limousine. Bullys are cowards at heart. If they know you are a lot richer, they shit in their pants. Plus I was a very well trained sniper by 10 and could shoot a cigarette from your mouth.

People often got nervous when so many of my friends had machine guns. The muzzles were always pointed at you and not at me. I was a daring marine since birth and saved about 50 people from death. I never had to hurt anyone and I did not. I had an attitude. If you want to bully me, you must shoot me with a high powered rifle first. If you miss, I WON"T. You get to throw the first punch and I will wipe you off the streets or die trying.

My conscience is clear. I warned every politician I ever knew from 3 to 67 that you are destroying the middle class, impoverishing the poor and creating a miserable oligarchy which will ruin the world. I am still a GOOD PAGAN and I await a return to normalcy when everyone realizes we must share this planet.

Would anyone need advice to throw great male orgies. I am your guy. I gave an air of authority to sex with men. I have had 85,000 orgasms and have never felt guilt. I happily seduced guys with a big grin and an air of cheerfulness. I taught guys how to avoid an anticlimax which can lead to guilt.

One of my favorite memories is truly LGBT. About 20 of us went to Rockaway Beach on the subway. About 14 boys and 6 girls, we rented one room to shower or defecate and lived on the beach. The first night, I crawled under with Marty and began to fuck him. Nick, a Greek guy who loved to be fucked by his uncles, crawled under with a beautiful straight girl. Ronnie, an alleged straight guy who loved to watch me being fucked, crawled under with an ugly straight girl. Kathleen and Barbara crawled under and started to 69. The sounds of sex were glorious. Lenny crawled under and sandwiched me between Marty and himself. I was becoming delirious. Lenny said "John, I want to suck Kathleen's pussy so much, it hurts. Jesus, John, listen to those girls go at it. John, you should fuck more girls, you might like it.." Kathleeen is still with Barbara. Kathleen is still tough. If I wanted to marry a girl. Kathleen was the one I would have asked. I'm a bachelor who lost Tom. Kathleen is lucky and still has Barbara. Over 50 years---WOW.

I assumed some day I would live in a normal country where nice people had sex for pleasure and didn't give a shit what others thought. Not one of us ever made fun of each other. We supported each other like true friends. I was happy to see straight or lesbians get laid. I wanted to fuck boys so what business is it to you.

At 67, I listen to total assholes who think masturbation is a sin. Homosexuality is a sin. Birth control is a sin. Adultery may be a sin but it sure isn't any of my business. I am not married to you. They think I wouldn't fight if my country were invaded. I volunteered for the marine corps in 1968. I didn't avoid or want to avoid a good fight. Fucking and fighting feel great to me. Both stimulate my crotch. I insist that you must prove that I am being directly threatened. I feel sorry for Syrians, Iranians, Afghans or North Koreans. IT AIN'T MY FIGHT. ATTACK THE EAST COAST OF THE US AND I WILL RESPOND. Basically, I think we should all pray for peace. I have 2 friends in heaven who come to see me. I know both of them are watching out for me.I don't mind dying because I can't wait to see my friends again.. Atheists get what they ask for. They die and a pagan judge hits the DELETE KEY. I want to hang around with my friends and have some fun.

When I die, I will try to get dead GaySpeak members to have a convention. I will offer to play all you silly gay fuckers POKER. If you have no money, we will play STRIP POKER. I intend to keep my curiosity about guys for a long time. I hope I can turn heaven into a nudist colony. People all seem nicer in the nude.

My sister Catherine is 74. She calls me up and tells me I am 67 and still gay. She wants me to hurry up and commit suicide. She almost beat me to death in my crib and she says I am mentally ill because I like animals. Worse, she runs around telling everyone that her brother, John, gave $50,000 to the pound in NYC by the age of 14. No matter how hard I tried, Catherine never understood why I identified with abused animals. Catherine, I was in the crib and felt stuck behind bars. You tried to rip my penis off and burned me with hot steam iron on my testicles. Catherine, please don't be mad but you beat me before I grew up to be a strong tough kid.

She is still waiting for my suicide. I think she will have to wait. I can be very spiteful to women like Catherine. I keep reminding her that I have to go to the supermarket to buy my cat, Buster, food. Buster has no income so he relies on me. Catherine has an amazing ability. She walked out of my house and every firefly stopped blinking and every cricket stopped rubbing his legs. Even insects don't want to have sex when Catherine is nearby. Catherine can turn a lifelong straight guy into a flaming faggot. I would rather wear a dress than be related to her. Ah Well, I enjoyed my life. God sent me Catherine as a penance to endure before I die. By the way, she hates lesbians, jews, foreigners, blacks, hispanic as well as you the reader t of this tripe.

I am not a misogynist, I lied when I said that. I have a strong liking for many women but I like strong lesbians the best. I like women who don't seem needy. Catherine has never worked a single day in her life. I am also not a gay chauvinist. I definitely knew some really awful gay guys who belong in hell. Tom said something I liked about heaven. He said there were more men than women. Tommy Mullins came to see me. He worried me. He said there were less people in heaven than you would think. He said you would never guess this planet had 8 billion souls on it based on heaven's undercrowded population.

Last, and best of all, for animal freaks like me. You can find your dead pet by going back to the time before the Garden of Eden. Then, simply call it's name and your pet will be at your side in a heartbeat. They can't wait to see their former friends. DON"T FORGET THEM WHEN YOU DIE.

PS I was told my nude picture can still be seen if you visit the Kennedy Compound. Jackie kept telling me I was an adorable little boy. She said the photo is often commented on because people want to know the cute Kennedy boy. Screw You. My name was and is John Marren.

And your memoirs are for sale at???

Interesting to say the least.

I, on the other hand, was born to a bunch of rednecks who had absolutely nothing fascinating ever happen. Really dull, really uninteresting.

I would have loved to meet JFK. To me, he was the last President to have any brass balls.
Everybody since, has only been puppets.

I have a problem. As a child i heard all the family gossip including some very ugly stories about the terrorists campaign being fought by the IRA. My family founded the Irish republican Army. As a child I was trained to shoot guns and rifles and have orgasms while doing it. I fought like a madman to become a normal gay kid. I hated the idea that I had spontaneous orgasms when I pulled a trigger. I felt like a robot trained to kill. Worse, as the NYC police found out, I never missed when I aimed. I could continuously shoot flying coins in motion. I was trained mind to mind not by repetition like most coaches. If my uncle John had told me to go to Yankee Stadium and kill people, I would have gone quietly and kept shooting until someone shot me. I was trained to be a killing machine and ignore my own safety. I thank God my Uncle John Gilhooly was not like my grandfather John Gilhooly. My grandfather was head of the IRA from 1862 to 1934, the most violent period in Irish history.. If he trained me, there would have been a lot of dead people. you have an orgasm pulling a trigger, killing is addictive. Some people have no idea how dangerous terrorist training is. You take a boy with a high IQ who is attached to the men and beliefs in a family, you can get one ugly serial killer who feels no guilt as he murders. Osama Ben laden never felt guilt. He murdered over 3000 on 911 and never felt a twinge of regret.
Lately, I a worried by the increasing numbers of group murders. Like suicide, they are contagious and fascinate other young boys who feel alienated.
I wish I felt more confident about the future for young people. I will die soon enough and that doesn't bother me. I hate seeing a country where no one is preparing for the future. We don't even have a space program. In 1958, we were frightened into action by Sputnik. We thought science was a good subject. We now ram religious fundamentalism down throats and think we will not pay for ignorance.

Yes You Will. Ignorance is a mortal sin when practiced by people in a culture. Communities should appeal to the best in us not prejudice, greed and stupidity.

Mr. Tinkles, you never say anything dumb. I doubt you are the redneck you think you are. My cat, Buster, licks the screen when your picture comes up. I accuse you of molesting my cat on the internet. Actually, he's neutered and a bit to quiet for me. I used to harbor un-neutered cats and let them have a chance to have some fun.

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