09-22-2013, 07:57 AM
I wasn't sure where else to put this since Pokemon isn't a computer game, but whatever. Are there any Nintendo gamers here excited for Pokemon X and Y? What're you looking forward to the most? Which starter are you gonna get?
Me personally, I'm really excited, but I usually am with all Pokemon releases. I'm having a hard time deciding which version to get though. Usually my decision is easy, I just picked based on which color or jewel I like better. But X? Y? They're letters, who cares? And both Xerneas and Yveltal are cool looking Pokemon.
I'm really curious about Mega Evolutions. They look really cool, but I kind of worry that they might be overpowered. They're taking already super powerful Pokemon and making them even more powerful. I hope they balance it out or put some sort of special conditions so it's not something people can do all the time to win.
Also the starters. I can't decide between Fennekin and Froakie. I usually always pick water starters, but Fennekin is looking like it'll evolve into some kind of magician, which is awesome. I just hope it's final evolution is fire/fairy and not fire/psychic like people are speculating. Fire/fairy seems to make more sense. Fairies use wands....
Me personally, I'm really excited, but I usually am with all Pokemon releases. I'm having a hard time deciding which version to get though. Usually my decision is easy, I just picked based on which color or jewel I like better. But X? Y? They're letters, who cares? And both Xerneas and Yveltal are cool looking Pokemon.
I'm really curious about Mega Evolutions. They look really cool, but I kind of worry that they might be overpowered. They're taking already super powerful Pokemon and making them even more powerful. I hope they balance it out or put some sort of special conditions so it's not something people can do all the time to win.
Also the starters. I can't decide between Fennekin and Froakie. I usually always pick water starters, but Fennekin is looking like it'll evolve into some kind of magician, which is awesome. I just hope it's final evolution is fire/fairy and not fire/psychic like people are speculating. Fire/fairy seems to make more sense. Fairies use wands....
![[Image: braixen_sketch_by_kajinman-d6m7b6k.jpg]](http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/256/8/f/braixen_sketch_by_kajinman-d6m7b6k.jpg)