05-20-2008, 09:24 AM
I have them and makes look like i havent slept in years!
What can i do to reduce dark circles under my eyes? I use an under eye cream by Botanics not sure how much it has worked. Any other products you know?
Maybe it is because of my diet? What FuturED as a graduated dietitian has to say aboout that, is it because i lack a vitamin C B D or something?
Please help , i try to date again booohoooo
What can i do to reduce dark circles under my eyes? I use an under eye cream by Botanics not sure how much it has worked. Any other products you know?
Maybe it is because of my diet? What FuturED as a graduated dietitian has to say aboout that, is it because i lack a vitamin C B D or something?

Please help , i try to date again booohoooo