noun: frugality
the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness.
Bowyn's Dafy-nition: CHEAAAAAP!
Here is the game play, each person tells us what they do to save money.
For instance, I rinse out toilet paper and use it twice....
Yeah we are aiming for a level of frugality that surpasses typical cheapness - I mean frugalness.
I rescue many usable things from the local residential dump.
Particularly hardware
Then I spend hours and hours sorting it into m6 m8 m10 m12, screws get sorted by type and length then other possibly useful things
Nuts... totally nuts
A few things:
I buy new clothes only when my pants (trousers for brits), my underwear (pants for brits) my socks, my t-shirts and my shoes have holes....big holes...
I avoid credit cards...
I buy massive packs of non-perishable goods on sale (like 3x1 5 kg packs od detergent...stuff like that)
Overall...I kinda stay home, don't do anything much and read a lot...that saves a lot of money in a lot of things..
Yeah well I'm so frugal I removed half the light bulbs in my house to save electricity.
I never go to, or hire movies.
I just watch the stories in my head, which I mostly cook up while having my morning shower script on the loo and film on the way to work.....
No seriously, I refuse to pay for the parking at malls
I save water bottles and refill them with my well water.
I wash plastic plates and reuse them and plastic forks and spoons also
I have not bought a new pair of underwear in 2 years. Mine are still going strong
Socks have many holes in them I dont mind
I save pickle jars and use them as cups
im so frugal i peel my vegetables before having them weighed