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Dreamer Wrote: I mean.... when will the bloodshed end?!
When man has finally managed to annihilate every living being on the planet!
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams
I just don't know what to think.
i thought there was something off about that video haha cheers big ears
Ha ha.....too funny.
But as for bloodshed, it seems that it never stops. SOMEBODY is always trying to take over the world.
The last regime attempting to take over was HItler.
The newest regime trying to take over the world is the United States Government.
I had a History teacher in 6th grade who was a decorated war hero from WW2.
He had us read our text books because we had to read them, by state law. But he taught us the REAL history during class.
He told us true history is not what has been written in text books. History books are written by powerful people, depicting what THEY want you to know, nothing else. Some history may be based on truths, but most of it is not.
He also told us countries only make money when they are at war. War brings in the big bucks. They can tax people to death, and still not bring in 1/4 of the money that war brings in.
The US government creates wars to keep our economy going. They will continue to do this until they either rule the world or have killed just about every living thing on this planet.
And so far, I have not seen anything different from what he taught us from his personal experiences and findings.