Well, it's good that you are taking in the initiation! Maybe the guys do want to ask you out, but they chicken out! This happens a lot in my university... I'm in a specialized university where most of the people are engineers, so everyone is introverted, geeky and shy. Most of the girls(females are very rare in this school) that I know have to ask the guys out because they are so shy talking to girls. Either way, it's not a bad thing to ask someone out but it is nice to be noticed. Maybe, try getting to really close to the person you are interested in and try to get him to ask you out in various ways to get his shyness out of the way.
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Most likely you are being noticed by other guys, but unfortunate for them they're introverts like you. The fact you've had the courage to initiate the two dates you already have had, means you're already a step a head of them. So why not show that courage some more and ask a few of those introverts out! You never know, you could be making their day as well as yours.
Hey, you might not realise this but even the most confident guys may be too shy to ask someone out on a date.
I would consider myself quite confident and I would always hesitate to ask someone for fear of rejection and making an idiot out of myself.
It's no reflection on you at all.
If your a bit shy and quiet, that's ok. In my opinion these are very attractive qualities in a guy.
If you lived in Dublin i know guys would be very interested in you.
And I'd deffo ask you on a date.
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ShyGamer4012 Wrote:I'm 30 and have never even BEEN on a date, it could always be worse 
I'm 20 and I've never been kissed heh... Wait, when did this turn out to become a competition? xD
Sometimes you need a bit of chaos in your life to be able to shrug off pitiful disdain about something meaningless.
Nothing wrong with you asking guys out. In any relationship one of the people has to ask the other one out. Why not you? Let them know you are interested in them.
Lol thanks! The only other problem is telling that they are gay haha. Troubles with that too.
I know what you mean. My "gaydar" is terrible. Several guys I could have sworn were gay were actually straight. I'd test them by moving the conversation to the point I could casually mention I'm gay only to find out they weren't. lol
There has to be some gay events in your area. A lot better chance in finding a date at one of those places. I hear there are gay dating apps as well. Not sure about those though since a lot of people are just looking to hook up for a one night stand.