Paul, what gurl?
I actually gave my honest opinion and feed back and I'm wrong?
Gurl , I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, but I'm trying to be constructive.
I'm not saying you are whatever, go out and have fun, I've said this already, but girl, not everyone is gonna tell you what you want to hear all the time sis.
If I post a video of myself playing my Viola and hitting every note but the right one, it would be bold faced lies for people to say I sounded beautiful.
Now at least I gave constructive criticism. I didn't make fun of you or whatever.
Have fun gurl, do what you gotta do, but if you want views or whatevers, you have to upgrade.
I do videos for you lot, so I don't care. You have followers, and if you want more, then be prepared to take positive criticism babes.
My Music Teacher used to howl at notes we hit badly and reprimand us, so just be thankful I don't howl lol. (His last name was Mr.Wolf too lolz)
Sylph Wrote:Paul, what gurl?
I actually gave my honest opinion and feed back and I'm wrong?
Gurl , I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, but I'm trying to be constructive.
I'm not saying you are whatever, go out and have fun, I've said this already, but girl, not everyone is gonna tell you what you want to hear all the time sis.
If I post a video of myself playing my Viola and hitting every note but the right one, it would be bold faced lies for people to say I sounded beautiful.
Now at least I gave constructive criticism. I didn't make fun of you or whatever.
Have fun gurl, do what you gotta do, but if you want views or whatevers, you have to upgrade.
I do videos for you lot, so I don't care. You have followers, and if you want more, then be prepared to take positive criticism babes.
My Music Teacher used to howl at notes we hit badly and reprimand us, so just be thankful I don't howl lol. (His last name was Mr.Wolf too lolz)
 Yeah i apoligize. Thanks.
Also i`m not in it for the fame, money. I just want my channel to grow and that`s it.
if you carry on making videos like that it will never grow, its just nonsense, a lot of people cant sing but they dont make videos of it, and the actuall recording was unpleasent seeing as your speaking too close to the recorder or something, your videos are messy, do you even practice anything you do before you do it.
*jaw dropping*
Honestly - honesty - I think I have fallen in love you.
Just because you might feel a thing is true doesn't mean it needs to be, or should be said.
This doesn't mean that you need to tell falsities, just perhaps abstain from saying certain things. It's okay if you think a thought and choose not voice it.
What's that saying? "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I'm sure that some of those with a bit more years and wisdom than I have come across that little nugget.
partis Wrote:if you carry on making videos like that it will never grow, its just nonsense, a lot of people cant sing but they dont make videos of it, and the actuall recording was unpleasent seeing as your speaking too close to the recorder or something, your videos are messy, do you even practice anything you do before you do it. Excuse me? You are wrong there as it has grown very quickly and who are you to say such things?
Wade Wrote:Just because you might feel a thing is true doesn't mean it needs to be, or should be said.
This doesn't mean that you need to tell falsities, just perhaps abstain from saying certain things. It's okay if you think a thought and choose not voice it.
What's that saying? "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I'm sure that some of those with a bit more years and wisdom than I have come across that little nugget.
[COLOR="Magenta"]But Wadey, gurl you know how I stay T^T . I got no filter...
However, I try to be as honest and kind as I can, because while I'm being honest, I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings.
So that saying should be amended to "If you don't got nothing constructive to say, refrain bitch"
or something like that ^.^
Also, I don't think it's fair to Paul to encourage him to keep doing what he's doing, when it's really not all that fabulous. Hell, my videos are shit, but gurl, Paul.
I just don't want people laughing at him and then encouraging him on Youtube and stuffz for the wrong reasons. People will be rude either way, whether he is good or bad, but I just want for him to atleast have an honest take on his videos.
If I was making videos for people to like, watch and follow, omg, they would be so spotless neat, and have greater substance. As it stands, the fun factor is quite admirable, however, content-wise, its not all that.
I hate to disagree, but I don't think being silent always equates to being nice or respectful.
It's like if you have something in your teeth and you go around smiling all 32 teeth at people, gurl I'm gonna tell you and not to make you feel bad or anything, but because I actually care enough to not laugh at you and tell you the truth, so that you aren't being laughed at by all those people.
^^ I wasn't referring to your post Odi. I was referring to Partis'. I don't see the point in that post. I know there's a difference between helpful, constructive criticism and being mean for the sake of being mean.
Wade Wrote:^^ I wasn't referring to your post Odi. I was referring to Partis'. I don't see the point in that post. I know there's a difference between helpful, constructive criticism and being mean for the sake of being mean. Yes that was really uncalled for and i`m going to give him a infraction.