You two are too much!Tell me about your houses.I have two bedrooms,the upstairs extra room is my office/study,a kitchen,glorious balcony and lounge.
Well he's been in l'hopital for a while. Kidnet infections =( Was really worried he wasn't going to make it for a while, he had a weird convulsion episode one night when we were cuddled up. He and I both though he was going to be leaving us! =(
I miss him so much, but when he comes out of hospital he'll be busy with his kids and whatnot to start with.
Thanks PA. You guys must excuse me, I've had a bit of vod tonight (yes alone!)!!! So im a bit emotional! I love u all!
PA you really cheer me up! I think I should arrange toc hat on the foen with anyone off GS who is good at cheering ppl up! I mean..I knwo this sounds pathetic, but i would class u guys am my mates!