[COLOR="Blue"]Kay, Crazy Sylph is here to stir up the mix
First of all, it is my belief that if you do bad things, bad things come back to you, so in essence, I suppose I believe in Fate, but not like a "Manipulated" Fate, such as arranging a marriage, because while that could be seen as a form of Fate, it's not one that is within the cyclic state of things.
It's like stuffing something into an already filled or moving thing and then saying it was meant to be when whatever it is spills or breaks.
But anywho, it's the principle of Ashay which we were taught in school, that what goes around, comes around; Reciprocity.
Our Teacher would always ask "Ago" which translates to like "Can I have your attention" and we would respond "Ame" which is like "You have my attention" which taught us a give and take or call and response method, which is also integral to the principles.
Because if someone asked me for help, and I refused(and I mean just for the sake of refusing), something bad is bound to happen to me, which ties in with Karma as well.
Now was it fate that I refused? Most likely, but because it's an imposed situation, it's sort of hard to tell, but for instance, if you trip up the steps or something, then that to me is definitely a sign of fate.
All things happen for a reason however I believe. People try to go against the flow in life, which often leads to frustrations and what not.
However I am a modern boy, so I do get the wanting to "Fight the System", however, for as long as I can remember, I've always gone with the flow, cause I know things will happen when they will and for a reason. Not to say if a man was to hold a sword to my chest would I let him impale me, but I would know it was for a reason that it happened at that point in time.
You can... Temper Fate, but cannot manipulate or avoid it unfortunately...
People are always afraid of what they don't know or understand, so it's bound to be scary. Heck it's scary to me sometimes, but I don't disbelieve in it. But everyone is definitely entitled to their opinions and beliefs <3