Hokay, I figured this is the right place to post this, as I have now had the chance to meet our dear, dear Wouldlikemuscle in the flesh, and I wanted to post a small thread to say what I think of him.
We had arranged that he would come down to Jersey and stay at my place from last Thursday evening, to yesterday evening and, whilst many of his mates seemed to think he might be chopped up into fish food (since OBVIOUSLY everybody you meet on the internet is either a paedophile or a psychopath  ), he took the brave step of a) travelling on his own for the first time, and b) coming over to meet me (not that I think you have to be brave to do that, but hey :redface  .
Bear in mind that when you're meeting somebody at the airport (and I've done this a few times before) for the first time, especially if they're staying with you, you've no get-out clause. I was prepared for the possibility that we might not get along as well in person as we had been doing on the phone and via MSN 'n that, as I think it's only prudent to consider that as a possibility ... I was confident we'd be absolutely fine, but hey, ya never know right ?
F*ck me we got on like a HOUSE ON FIRE. He's absolutely adorable ! He's got that little bit of shyness that melts away to reveal somebody you can just really relax and enjoy the company of, and who's very natural, polite, caring, considerate, funny, chirpy, and THOROUGHLY enjoyable to be around !! Not to mention that he's got a bod to kill for ... and no, before you ask, nothing happened.
I would seriously say that anybody that gets the chance to meet Baby Wouldlikemuscle in person do so, as he's a find !!
We had (well I certainly had - I'm sure he'll comment on his thoughts in due course) a really cool time - I took him to many of the local attractions, some nice restaurants, the Zoo, the Boardwalk at St. Aubin's, the movies and so on ... and it was just sooooo relaxing and sooooooo enjoyable I honestly don't think I've ever had AS chilled-out and cool a time with ANYBODY in ... well a VERY, very long time.
Wouldlikemuscle ? I hope that you and I remain friends forever, 'coz you're lovely and I love you  xxxx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Awwww!Cuteness overload.Is he as cute in real life?!
Dan1089 Wrote:Awwww!Cuteness overload.Is he as cute in real life?!
DAN, read the lines, NOT between them.... Yes, he's cute or Shadow is blind!!! Are you next on the list of places and people to visit?
Awwww.... thankyou sooooo much Shadow.... if you could see the smile that's spread across my face as I read your post!! lol
My turn...
Well, having had the warnings from pretty much everyone... family, friends, colleagues that he would be a psychopath and that I probably would be coming back home in a wooden box.. if I was found.. I braved the plane to meet Shadow - I didn't have ANY doubts about his mental state... but like Shadow... my main worry was what if we didn't get on as well... and as it proved, we got on better than I think both of us could have imagined.
I, being quite the shy guy, was put at ease by Shadow's warm and charming personality quite quickly, as the butterfly's were at first in full flight in my stomach!!
I had a great time with him... and seriously not wanting this little adventure to end.. but as they say... all good things must come to an end... its a shame the really fantastic ones have to too.
Shadow is not the only one who was wonderful... he also has the most welcoming of family and friends who I warmed to greatly in mere moments and I think I can be confident in saying they warmed to me too.
It was an absolute pleasure to have spent time with you Shadow.. and indeed we shall be friends forever!! Love you too big guy  xxxx
Shadow Wrote:Hokay, I figured this is the right place to post this, as I have now had the chance to meet our dear, dear Wouldlikemuscle in the flesh, and I wanted to post a small thread to say what I think of him.
We had arranged that he would come down to Jersey and stay at my place from last Thursday evening, to yesterday evening and, whilst many of his mates seemed to think he might be chopped up into fish food (since OBVIOUSLY everybody you meet on the internet is either a paedophile or a psychopath ), he took the brave step of a) travelling on his own for the first time, and b) coming over to meet me (not that I think you have to be brave to do that, but hey :redface .
Bear in mind that when you're meeting somebody at the airport (and I've done this a few times before) for the first time, especially if they're staying with you, you've no get-out clause. I was prepared for the possibility that we might not get along as well in person as we had been doing on the phone and via MSN 'n that, as I think it's only prudent to consider that as a possibility ... I was confident we'd be absolutely fine, but hey, ya never know right ?
F*ck me we got on like a HOUSE ON FIRE. He's absolutely adorable ! He's got that little bit of shyness that melts away to reveal somebody you can just really relax and enjoy the company of, and who's very natural, polite, caring, considerate, funny, chirpy, and THOROUGHLY enjoyable to be around !! Not to mention that he's got a bod to kill for ... and no, before you ask, nothing happened.
I would seriously say that anybody that gets the chance to meet Baby Wouldlikemuscle in person do so, as he's a find !!
We had (well I certainly had - I'm sure he'll comment on his thoughts in due course) a really cool time - I took him to many of the local attractions, some nice restaurants, the Zoo, the Boardwalk at St. Aubin's, the movies and so on ... and it was just sooooo relaxing and sooooooo enjoyable I honestly don't think I've ever had AS chilled-out and cool a time with ANYBODY in ... well a VERY, very long time.
Wouldlikemuscle ? I hope that you and I remain friends forever, 'coz you're lovely and I love you xxxx
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
Shadz, great account of your visit together.... We are quite convinced that WLM is a find.  mile:
Yup, he is really cute actually. His eyes are like mine as in blue, but whereas mine have a green ring around the pupil, he has a hazel ring around the pupil, but they're really nice eyes, and easy to look at ...
... physically he's my height (a 5'8" GIANT), build-wise he's slimmer than me, and he's got the right type of frame to support his muscle-growth goals, so I've no doubt he'll come along in leaps and bounds - as I say he's already looking really good - much MUCH better than I was when I was his age ...
... and personality-wise he's really adorable !
DEFINITELY somebody I'm EXTREMELY happy to consider a good friend and long may that continue :biggrin:.
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
wouldlikemuscle Wrote:Awwww.... thankyou sooooo much Shadow.... if you could see the smile that's spread across my face as I read your post!! lol
My turn...
Well, having had the warnings from pretty much everyone... family, friends, colleagues that he would be a psychopath and that I probably would be coming back home in a wooden box.. if I was found.. I braved the plane to meet Shadow - I didn't have ANY doubts about his mental state... but like Shadow... my main worry was what if we didn't get on as well... and as it proved, we got on better than I think both of us could have imagined.
I, being quite the shy guy, was put at ease by Shadow's warm and charming personality quite quickly, as the butterfly's were at first in full flight in my stomach!!
I had a great time with him... and seriously not wanting this little adventure to end.. but as they say... all good things must come to an end... its a shame the really fantastic ones have to too.
Shadow is not the only one who was wonderful... he also has the most welcoming of family and friends who I warmed to greatly in mere moments and I think I can be confident in saying they warmed to me too.
It was an absolute pleasure to have spent time with you Shadow.. and indeed we shall be friends forever!! Love you too big guy xxxx
Nice account WouldLike... nice that you two were able to get on so well and enjoy some time together. Isn't that what friends are for?
Awww this has cheered me up! I'm glad you two had a good time!
:biggrin: I'm soooooo happy you two got along so well!!! But not at all surprised I must say, both two of the most caring loveliest guys you'll ever meet.
Next: WLM & Smurlos do Alton Towers followed by WLM & Smurlos invade Jersey :biggrin:
Smurlos Wrote::biggrin: I'm soooooo happy you two got along so well!!! But not at all surprised I must say, both two of the most caring loveliest guys you'll ever meet.
Next: WLM & Smurlos do Alton Towers followed by WLM & Smurlos invade Jersey :biggrin:
Aww.. you are beyond sweet... and yes... AT here we come :biggrin: