austin Wrote:explain how you think that , are you saying we should not help countries who's dictators want to kill as they please.
Not long ago the US supported and sponsored such dictators if they were anti-communist right wingers.
Most particularly in the Middle East and in Latin America.
What the US government understands as help usually goes along with military agression.
Such aggresion has had backfiring results for the country invaded many times.
As far as I know Libya is THE place such tactics have actually made the country a better place with no seeming bad consequences.
Granted, someone oughta spank whomever Kim Jong "x" is in power now, but I'm failry convinced and this is becoming a generalized opinion world-wide, that the US SHOULDN'T use the world like it's personal playground, even while having the power to do so.
Wanna help people? Go all the way. Go big, Do what you didn't do years go. Blast Russia and blast Putin's head.