People who are given a lot of booze, and refuse to have a party with their friends and share.
Major network morning TV shows.
My bank is being a dick this AM which in turn I have to deal with
punching lengthy #'s at the IRS and speaking with machine-bots..
ugh D:
places full of people..
long lines to the train.. (worst)
That everyone who I knew was doing drugs has stopped doing drugs - now I can't find a connection for some pure crystal meth when I need it most to get all of the stuff done I have around here to do.
I absolutely positively hate not being able to go on Craigslist and just buy a gram or so.... F-ing DEA and their stupid rules.
You should move to Denver. That meth shit is all over the place here. Or you could do like I do and just stick with the herb. We've got the best cannabis in the world here, available at stores throughout the city. We've got more dispensaries than McDonald's, Wendy's, and Starbucks combined.