Vigilias Wrote:What is so "fuckwit" for having a particularly high regard for an institution which is over a thousand years old and has adapted to fit in well with a modern democracy?
The reason why so many monarchies have failed and been removed is because they refused to adapt with changing times.
Hi Viligas..
Thanks for posting in and to make your aquaintaince, forgive an old daft duck, but I don't think we've crossed paths yet..
Nothing against the monarchy, nothing at all against the British.
The background to pretty much all of this, including the OP is that I used what happened to Africkaaners during the second Anglo boer war to point out to a particular individual who is British why has no right to assume moral high ground on the thread Murder or not
I was apparantly a weee bit to "direct / blunt" and had my post removed because it was seen to be racist?


...and aggressive.
The iorny is that the target of my wrath is British, yet hasn't a cooking clue what is meant by the descriptive "racist", and got horribly hot and bothered because he confused "racist" with "fact"
Ag shame
I posted my response to the removal in both Murder or not and the word game not that anybody cares but.... (a while back, you'll have to hunt it down, try children shot on sight as a search...
Then, I posted this thread, because I really don't have a problem with British anything.
I have a problem with a pompass santimonous prick of an individual who rattled my cage once too often and said so and why...
Go read, it'll explain a lot.
Kind regards