"Francophone Catholic Canadians wanted to be put under the command of French generals in the Western Front, rather than British commanders...
When French Canadian division were created for Canadian francophones, the thing improved a bit, but then everyone learned about the nasty nature of trench warfare in the Western Front, so then, no one was volunteering to the Army...they had to pass an Act for enforced conscription within the Canadian populace if the Prime Minister saw fit to do it..
Quebec was on the verge of leaving the Canadian Confederation and after WWI there was rioting in Quebec.."
While I knew the first part (not quoted), I was unaware of the latter facts. At least, I don’t remember touching on it in Canadian History. Especially the fact French Canadians wanted to fight with French soldiers, though that really doesn’t surprise me. One day Quebec will be a separate country…
Correction: veterans at first protested the adoption of the current Canadian flag when they fought under the Union Jack. I need more caffeine :p
Interesting, and I am guessing, little known fact (since I wasn't even taught about it in school and it involves my own blinking provincial capital) that the city of Winnipeg staged a Nazi invasion/occupation of the city in an effort to sell Victory Bonds. The event was called If Day.