First off, I'd like to say thank you! That made my day! I was having a bit of a downer night. Not horrible, but enough to make me sad.
Then my boyfriend was all like "OMG LOOK AT THIS LINK!"
(He sends me so many links that I never thought twice when it was a GS link. lol)
When I started reading, I saw my username. So, I was like "Aw! He posted about - that's not my boyfriend's username..."

So... I read it and happy cried.
Thank you! That made my day! (Don't tell him I said this, but I might love you!)
Well... if you guys want to know how I came up with my username, here's my story:
My Grandma loved penguins so much that she had penguin everything from bumper stickers to shower curtains, cookie jars to stickers, and literally hundreds of stuffed penguins (many of which she sold/got rid of when she moved back here after she lived out west. I would always play with her penguins and developed a huge love for them!
When she passed away, she actually left all of her penguin stuff for me (I might be crying. I'm weak sometimes. I miss her always!) in her will. Well... I think it was... Unless grandpa didn't want it and was like "TYLER! TAKE PENGUINS! I DUN WAN THEM ANYMORE!".
Aw. I didn't get the penguin shower curtain. That makes me sad.

Am I really thinking this right now? .__.
I was so happy! So now I have a bunch of penguin stuff...
I love my penguin stuff! But then I 'grew up', so I had to put the stuffies in storage.
Wow. That's a long post. I talk a lot. So... now I type a lot. Mostly useless stuff...
Here's the part you want:
Grandma loved penguins. I love penguins. Penguin. Pecker part just... came to me.
Davearoo... can we be best friends please?