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Gal-Pals (AKA Fag Hags)
My Gal Pal (AKA Fag~Hag is a term I dislike) Left me for greener pastures in the far north earlier this year. Cry

While we have nice phone conversations and exchange emails - it is not as satisfying as her blowing into Mirkwood unannounced, kicking butts, taking names and forcing me to do things like, um, talk.... accept hugs and 'advice'. As intrusive as she could be, and as much as I thought I disliked that - well I guess I was wrong.

She was the only one who I could turn to when my relationship died - she was kind enough to force me to eat and allowed me the horribly messy 'honor' of literally crying on her shoulder. I so rarely cry in front of people so that admission there should clue you in on how deep our relationship was - is?

I kinda sorta miss her. Rolleyes

There is no way She and her Boy-Friend-Who-Is-Not-A-Boy-Friend (a complex and puzzling relationship) are going to return to the verges of Mirwook any time soon.

Emails, phone calls and other electronic communications just ain't filling that gap for me... Rolleyes

Would it be wrong for me to admit that I want to find a replacement Gal-Pal?
If not, then where on earth do I find a replacement gal-pal?
Is there a Grind'r Type 'Fag-Hag Dating' app or site?

I know that may sound funny - but I'm serious, is there an app/site where lonely gay men can find lonely straight women who like the company of gay men?

This may be a sad confession, but I now have no (zero) friends left in my life (Real life, internet life.... well IDK actually). I have several acquaintances but they are not friendship material - I am not that comfortable with them to tell all and they appear to only show up when they need something and if I don't call or am not seen for a while they never inquire, call or check up on me.

As everyone surely knows, I don't go anywhere. Since my license was taken from me due to that minor ER visit over status epilepticus last fall, my ability to go anywhere is gone. I live 2 miles from the nearest bus stop.... Its rural where I live. So going out and meeting new people at the local bar or something (No there is no LGBT center in this area - we are not that civilized) is a no go situation.

I guess I could stick with drinking alone, the boss has a larder of alcohol which is really well aged since he stopped drinking 30 years ago... But me thinks that may be a problematic solution....

Another relationship/partnership really ain't in the cards. My half hearted attempts to find a new husband are exactly that - half hearted. I'm still a bit through with the male species as whole so I'm not really looking nor interested. But a Gal-Pal may be exactly what the doctor ordered....

Thoughts, suggestions, offers of euthanasia...

Sorry I can’t offer much advice, but hang in there. GS cares! Bighug

Why does a friend need to be female? (not a flippant question)

"Is there a Grind'r Type 'Fag-Hag Dating' app or site?"
No, but there should be! I don't use them so I do not know how factual it actually is, but I have heard that some people use dating sites to meet new friends who are local to them. Maybe you could give that a try?
I'm sorry that your friend moved away Bowyn, and that you're stuck in the middle of nowhere because of your epilepsy. (((Hugs)))

I googled my socks off, there doesnt appear to be anything but some people saying it would be a good idea. I guess its a hard one, without making your intentions clear (via dating type media) you can hardly approach woman for friendship without it having sexual overtones I guess, unless you're meeting through mutual acquaintances, which you explained is out the question. I dont know how to help but hang in there and you have at least one friend in your internet life and im halfway to being a fag hag :p (take what you can get)

stu Wrote:Why does a friend need to be female? (not a flippant question)

Well being a gay man there is a high chance that with a woman it would not end up with all of that sexual undertone/tension that being with a guy can lead too.

Bowyn, I see what you mean it's good to have a close friend who you know is not 'interested' in you.
What about a trip up to see her? Have you checked out OKcupid?


only posting just so you know I have read this...and I express my sympathies towards you..but that's pretty much all I can do

I don't know the first thing about meeting people let alone where on the internet you could...

Cry sorry...

stu Wrote:Bowyn, I see what you mean it's good to have a close friend who you know is not 'interested' in you.
What about a trip up to see her? Have you checked out OKcupid?

I had there for a while, I closed that 2-3 weeks ago the results were not as advertised - apparently saying 'I'm not into 'just sex' opens the doors for lots of casual hook ups.

Well with my ongoing responsibility to my boss - being the one who feeds him, gets his medications and all of that, my taking a day off let alone a weekend or a week isn't going to happen in the near future. I would like to go up to Oregon for a little visit... but I'm to responsible to just up and leave the old man in a lurch.

If you don't take any time off there is no wonder your feeling down. I prescribe some time off! Can't anything be arranged for the old man so you can get time off?

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