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Fabulous "Gurls" of the Day Thread
Sylph - go back and read what you have been writing on the Stud of the Day and Daddy of the Day threads. Really wasn't very nice.

You blasted into the Stud of the Day thread and the Daddy of the Day thread and proceeded to empty all your shotguns into everyone 'lecturing' us on admiring (drooling/whacking off whatever it is guys do when looking at tight, scantily clad bodies - men are pigs - oh well) those guys.

And its not the lecture part that annoys, is how you said a lot of stuff.

I posted the most recent men in leather on those threads (and I don't post there often) is me so your backhanding me with your thoughts on leather clad studs comes off as a wee bit of personal attack.

Which makes me think that knowing I have an interest in Moderate BDSM means you have a lot of dark and ugly thoughts about what it is I do in bed with men, or more to the point what they do to me....

You failed to mention that other than you I'm the one posting black studs and black daddies. While no one has complained, me thinks there is a leaning toward lighter flesh which I try to balance out with a wee bit more emphasis on the darker men quietly submitting images without saying a word so we don't end up reenacting the Watts Riots or the Civil Rights movement.

I 'correct' the course of the threads my silently submitting studs and daddy's as I define them. Granted I have on more than one occasion hinted that there is way too much youth on those threads... But I have been relatively nice to all but Mr. Tinkers who doesn't respond well to nice and prefers catty, bitchy attacks and is man enough to know I was saying it with a smile (bitchy, heartbroken, jaded smile old queens get around age 30).

I'm not upset you started this thread, I am sort of teed that you spent so much time lecturing everyone on a perceived 'threat' that these images of males present in you. And its not so much the lecture but the barely veiled bitchiness you use to make your point.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:But I have been relatively nice to all but Mr. Tinkers who doesn't respond well to nice and prefers catty, bitchy attacks and is man enough to know I was saying it with a smile (bitchy, heartbroken, jaded smile old queens get around age 30).

I agree, but I dont think Sylph realized exactly what it was he was actually saying and the way it came across to others.

Like me, he gets "heated" and when he starts writing, doesnt really catch on to what is being typed, only whats in his head. "BEEN THERE, DONE THAT".

As far as Im concerned, yes, I prefer "catty" and "sarcasm", but IF I am considering myself to "say something nice", I just wont say anything.

And as I have said in my posts when I first "arrived" here, if I "say" anything that is taken the wrong way, I can handle it. I own up to what I write and say. Unless someone is hatefully cruel to me, I will usually just let it go, or respond in my usual way. "All bets are off" when someone is hatefully cruel to me...my claws are sharp, and I know how to use them.

Not to hijack the thread, but I have itches i can't reach and need sharp claws to scratch... volunteer?

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Sylph - go back and read what you have been writing on the Stud of the Day and Daddy of the Day threads. Really wasn't very nice.

You blasted into the Stud of the Day thread and the Daddy of the Day thread and proceeded to empty all your shotguns into everyone 'lecturing' us on admiring (drooling/whacking off whatever it is guys do when looking at tight, scantily clad bodies - men are pigs - oh well) those guys.

And its not the lecture part that annoys, is how you said a lot of stuff.

I posted the most recent men in leather on those threads (and I don't post there often) is me so your backhanding me with your thoughts on leather clad studs comes off as a wee bit of personal attack.

Which makes me think that knowing I have an interest in Moderate BDSM means you have a lot of dark and ugly thoughts about what it is I do in bed with men, or more to the point what they do to me....

You failed to mention that other than you I'm the one posting black studs and black daddies. While no one has complained, me thinks there is a leaning toward lighter flesh which I try to balance out with a wee bit more emphasis on the darker men quietly submitting images without saying a word so we don't end up reenacting the Watts Riots or the Civil Rights movement.

I 'correct' the course of the threads my silently submitting studs and daddy's as I define them. Granted I have on more than one occasion hinted that there is way too much youth on those threads... But I have been relatively nice to all but Mr. Tinkers who doesn't respond well to nice and prefers catty, bitchy attacks and is man enough to know I was saying it with a smile (bitchy, heartbroken, jaded smile old queens get around age 30).

I'm not upset you started this thread, I am sort of teed that you spent so much time lecturing everyone on a perceived 'threat' that these images of males present in you. And its not so much the lecture but the barely veiled bitchiness you use to make your point.

[COLOR="Blue"]Gurl listen,

I firstly never mentioned nothing or nothing about race, I don't care about that.

You wanna post black guys and stuff, be my guest, I'm gonna do it regardless, because that's what I wanna do, like how everyone does what they wanna do. I owe you no thanks or anything, you're not doing me any favours.

Now here's the kicker, you, perhaps more so than anyone here, should know and realize a play on a sardonic joke if ever there was one. I didn't say what I did in the Daddy thread out of malice or true contempt, I said it in a cynical joke in the same style as how Mr.Tinkles, as then Dr.Phibes, did here if you go back a couple posts. I even said so at the end of it. Had I been serious, you would, or should, notice a difference.

I truely and honestly do not care what you do in your bed, what goes up your asshole, what you stick your dick in, what you eat out, chains,whips, leather, I don't care, that's for you and your life. Who am I to say? You already know I don't just judge people, so I'm pretty sure you were wrong in thinking this.

And in addition to that, unless I'm being expressly serious, like how I am now, anything and most everything I say tends to be a joke. "Men are gross" "Ugh..Boys" - maybe you failed to pick it up, as this is the internet, but those types of things are meant as jokes. Bowyn, while I view myself as both, I am still biologically a Male, I know what the fuck is going on and know that not all men are the way you may think I mean them to be.

Have you not noticed by now my serious side and fun side?

I can't help it if people are sensitive and get offended, I can't live my life stepping on egg shells and if something offends you, then you tell me, cause I can't read minds, and I'd stop.

Some guys here don't like being called gurl, okay, so they told me and I don't call them that if they're seriously uncomfortable with it.

So yes, I do have a certain way in expressing myself, I've myself pointed that out, in my videos,in typing, it shouldn't be news, and even so, like I said half the time I say what I do and mean nothing behind it.

People give words power, not me, so why am I getting chided for it?

I'm sorry if you got offended over what I said, I truely didn't mean nothing offensive and really didn't know or care that you like BDSM, that's for you. Practice Safe Sex is all I can say.

and also, it's not a "perceived" threat, it's an evident fact. It's been said here many times, and else where and in general within the gay community.

Feminine Man= Woman = gross or just get a real woman

That's my whole entire arguement.

Everyone get's discriminated Bowyn, I can't save and cover everyone, and at this point I wanted to make this thread and didn't want no bullshit over it, due to my personal feelings on this topic, so yes I strongly worded my opinions, so should everyone. I know it's not just feminine guys, but it's what I see in the majourity of the discriminatory light of gay culture.

Forgive me, I am young, so growing up, I don't know what "normal" or otherwise- guys had or have to deal with, but growing up now and seeing what I do now and living it myself, I'm going on what I know.

I don't get why you of all people are so offended. You're one to be more express and as you said it "jaded old queen", such as Mr.Tinkles, and he gets what I say and mean for the most part and you are also very intelligent, I'm not sure as to why my idiosyncrasies are now getting under your nails.

and if this was your way of being catty or "Mr.Tinkles-esque" I clearly didn't get it. It seemed like a patronizing affront.



Mr.Tinkles, I'm nothing like you gurl, and I know exactly what the fuck I said, wanted to say, will say, meant, mean and everything else under the sun.

I don't get heated, despite my blunt personality, I say what I will, when I do, but that's not to say I don't or am not capable of thinking before I speak. Sometimes I just don't give a fuck :3

I don't understand, truely I don't, why people get so easily offended or upset, over things people say. Gosh, that's probably the cause for many of the wars this world has seen.

My Mother is very blunt, callous, bitchy, honest, and so are a good majourity of the people here, so I don't know if it's a cultural thing or whatever, but I'm used to being able to talk freely, say what I wanna say and not have to be considered a rude, vulgar person.

I always assumed Americans would be more understanding, seeing as how their image is freedom of speech and all those T.V Shows of them cursing and being generally rude to each other.

I can be polite and help and say sweet things 100times over and still get condemned if I say Fuck or bitch or cunt, just once.

Tinkles, that's part of the reason I like you, cause you're just like "All bets off".

But sorry to say, I'm not like you outside of being bitchy. Msn-slapping




and if this was your way of being catty or "Mr.Tinkles-esque" I clearly didn't get it. It seemed like a patronizing affront.

Im TOTALLY flattered that Im "important" enough to be "esqued"!!!!!

Mr.Tinkles, I'm nothing like you gurl, and I know exactly what the fuck I said, wanted to say, will say, meant, mean and everything else under the sun.
I don't get heated, despite my blunt personality, I say what I will, when I do, but that's not to say I don't or am not capable of thinking before I speak. Sometimes I just don't give a fuck :3

[COLOR="Purple"]Well, as we have ALL said before in different posts, sometimes it's difficult to know HOW something is being said, because we cannot hear your voice or see your facial expressions when "saying" what it is you are trying to get across to everybody.
Sometimes you seem to contradict what you have previously said before, I think that's all that BA was trying to say. Its not a huge end-of-the-world catastrophe or anything.[/COLOR]

I don't understand, truely I don't, why people get so easily offended or upset, over things people say. Gosh, that's probably the cause for many of the wars this world has seen.
Honey, you KNOW if we were [COLOR="Red"]TRULY offended, you would have had your dreads handed to you on a paper plate! I dont think BA was being mean about it, he was just trying to say that sometimes you seem to contradict yourself. In novel form. LOL

Like me and you "cat fight" on here..........I think you and BA try to "out word" each other!!!!
LMAO It always seems that one of you is ALWAYS trying to use more words to reply or post a comment to either of your threads/posts. Just too funny.


[Image: 27848338.jpg]

Just passing by to show yall (mostly oddi xD) this amazing vid

Did you know the one with the short hair is a female Model and the blonde one is a male model :3 and they are actually a couple I think, so cute D;

EDIT: OOPS, my bad, both of them are female... :c

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