Wow Mr. Stinkles... You surely do try to get me from stalking you pretty hard there... Definitely need more serious hard core stalking - you doth protest to much.
IDK about this site, it seems like any other, more fucking shallow mother fuckers looking for just sex under the disguise of 'love' - men - all pigs with out sufficient slaughter houses to render into more useful things like bacon....
too harsh? - well sue me... good luck getting blood out of turnips....
Aha, I was born and raised on a farm. Cotton and peanuts mostly for income. But also corn and wheat and a bit of everything else. I don't run cows much anymore but between me and my family and the folks who lease land, I help tend to about a thousand head.
I seem to be surrounded by rednecks and farms, does that count? I aint from here, just kinda here now.