12-01-2013, 11:59 PM
So I was watching Naruto and a thought crossed my head.
Alot of Animes, especially ones of Yaoi obviously, seem to have this theme going on of like a brotherly or sometimes more romance/love. Even outside of the wishful thinking.
For example;
Zabuza and Haku from Naruto at the scene of Haku's sacrificial death for Zabuza who in return trys to honour it after realizing his feelings.
Zabuza is the short haired one and Haku is the long haired one. After for so long considering Haku as his "weapon" and generally neglecting any emotional ties between them, realizing all that hes done for Zabuza makes Zabuza break down and exact his revenge on the man who isnt quite seen in the clip, who kicks Haku's face after he died.
Despite the fact that Haku is Androgynous, their relationship is seen to be romantic, especially towards the end and is kind of not really hidden lol.
And of course Ikkaku and Yumichika.
Yumichika has the feathers on his eye and Ikkaku is ue bald one. Yumichika is very flamboyant but its how Ikkaku always tries to take the brunt or front line when the two of them fight, mostly for his bloodlust, but also for his concern for his only real friend. The person who gives him reason.
Actually their two stories are kinda similar, but I was wondering as to how you would view this type of relationship. And its significance and so forth.
Because while in today's society, this type of thing seems limiting or one sided, one being the protector/avenger/provider and the other being the supporter/inspirer/helper, its actually quite interesting.
Because emotionally speaking, its like two halves of a circle then meld into one, so technically it would be limiting to be apart.
Alexander the Great considered Hephaestion to be his Eromenos ,his rock, his Patrocles to his Achilles or Erastes.
I just wonder what people now would think of this type of romance/relationship, seeing as how everyone doesnt want to fit a role or be seen as something or the other, and while everyone is entitled to whatever, I was just wondering ;3

And the perfect example Sora(blue hair) and Nao(pink hair). Its like blatantly pushed at us that Sora is the Erastes, seeing as how he is constantly trying to protect and love Nao, despite tensions, but in some ways, Nao can be Sora's Erastes in a way, but majoritively would be the Eromenos.
Alot of Animes, especially ones of Yaoi obviously, seem to have this theme going on of like a brotherly or sometimes more romance/love. Even outside of the wishful thinking.
For example;
Zabuza and Haku from Naruto at the scene of Haku's sacrificial death for Zabuza who in return trys to honour it after realizing his feelings.
Zabuza is the short haired one and Haku is the long haired one. After for so long considering Haku as his "weapon" and generally neglecting any emotional ties between them, realizing all that hes done for Zabuza makes Zabuza break down and exact his revenge on the man who isnt quite seen in the clip, who kicks Haku's face after he died.
Despite the fact that Haku is Androgynous, their relationship is seen to be romantic, especially towards the end and is kind of not really hidden lol.
And of course Ikkaku and Yumichika.
Yumichika has the feathers on his eye and Ikkaku is ue bald one. Yumichika is very flamboyant but its how Ikkaku always tries to take the brunt or front line when the two of them fight, mostly for his bloodlust, but also for his concern for his only real friend. The person who gives him reason.
Actually their two stories are kinda similar, but I was wondering as to how you would view this type of relationship. And its significance and so forth.
Because while in today's society, this type of thing seems limiting or one sided, one being the protector/avenger/provider and the other being the supporter/inspirer/helper, its actually quite interesting.
Because emotionally speaking, its like two halves of a circle then meld into one, so technically it would be limiting to be apart.
Alexander the Great considered Hephaestion to be his Eromenos ,his rock, his Patrocles to his Achilles or Erastes.
I just wonder what people now would think of this type of romance/relationship, seeing as how everyone doesnt want to fit a role or be seen as something or the other, and while everyone is entitled to whatever, I was just wondering ;3

And the perfect example Sora(blue hair) and Nao(pink hair). Its like blatantly pushed at us that Sora is the Erastes, seeing as how he is constantly trying to protect and love Nao, despite tensions, but in some ways, Nao can be Sora's Erastes in a way, but majoritively would be the Eromenos.