partis Wrote:I believe in god too... without religion.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND, i dont need religion to believe in god. Your go or anyones god... who are listning to people who died thousands of years ago rather than there own voice within.
Sometimes more than others i will be tolerant but then i just cant listen to there crap !!!
You hit the jackpot right there...
faith and religion are 2 different things, faith is harmless and a personal thing
religion is just a fine thread of lies, deceit and nonsense, that uses people's faith in a deity in order to control them...religion is man made, and as such, tainted.
it's the ultimate coercive mechanism to control the masses..
thinking about christianity as an example: we could have people believe that a God loves his creations so much that he send his son to die for all of us and rids us of sin, so we could all be chipper and peachy in an afterlife.....that's harmless, that's even lovely..
you could argue that if God was real then why is there a need to "believe" in him in the first place..still, faith in an invisible entity does no one any harm...
but what men turned it into it's not..basptists, catholics, protestants..etc. Each of those religions have come to be because a guy twisted faith into dogmatic nonsense, and disguised it as morality..
So yes...religious people...I depise...people of faith, no...
sorry if this sounds blunt, but enough is enough..religion (again, not faith) has cause a lot of damage in the world as it is..bloody wars have been faught and are still faught over religion..
and I know my meebles is a man of faith and not religion, otherwise I wouldn't be talking to him, so people, don't go at him
like everything else in the world there's bit of everything, even some religious people are harmless
Tinkles...just don't adress this woman..let her have her nonsense...she may have your best interest in mind even while being obnoxious and pedantic...just block her in your head and ignore her every word.