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Remember kids - twincest is wincest

[Image: hitachiin_twincest___wincest_by_xxspirit...55sitf.jpg]

The more you know~

Woollyhats Wrote:You are correct.

When you remove teh possibility of inbreeding, incest is not morally wrong .

oh really.

So.... as its only the act of having a child that is morally wrong, the child itself is whats wrong, what they did to produce that child was okay.

No seriously ok lets say incest is ok... why does the taking out the equation of birth make any difference here or there.

I think I can explain that, I'll try anyway. Incest offends many people, the majority, especially in The US, because we tend to associate it with adults manipulating or worse, forcing, violently, juveniles into sexual encounters that people don't feel kids are mature enough to process. So if you strip away issues like inbreeding, you will not budge the masses detectably, because they picture children being hurt. I participated in incest with my brother and cousin, for years. Later, I was the one seducing adults, and far from being scarred, I wish I could remember more details. eh hm. I am very fond of incest fantasy stories, and I'm surprised how many gay men are turned on by the fantasy. I am not in the least turned on by tales of kids being mauled or hurt.
In The Netherlands, a male is considered sexually mature enough to make his own decisions regarding his sexual activities at ten years old. I have read this and think it is true, however I have not verified it. I know, I was at ten, by then, I'd had years of practice. In a study that I came across, that was done by a large University Sociology Department, I do not recall which one, they interviewed X number of people and found that the one's that had been involved, one way or another in incest, were equally as likely to have no issue or lingering conflicts with their experiences, as they were to have horrid, egregious wounds. I would fall into the first category. Personally, I think most people carry scars around because culturally we project shame on the target/victim of incest, as well as the instigator.
If Americans sensibilities were not so Provincial and easily offended, and we didn't shrink in fear and disgust at the subject, I think that ratio would go to my column of the undamaged in droves. I'm not promoting this mind you, I just read stories and enjoy the fantasy, but I'm a free thinking Socialist and I think it's time for more logic and less illusion, as you do, yet I don't expect to see a lot of progress in my lifetime. However, I've underestimated progress before.Grommit

partis Wrote:I personally feel its wrong. Your entitle to your opinion. But this argument that contraception is some kind of block out/eraser of what otherwise would be the outcome is pointless. It doesnt work.

Of course you're entitled to your opinion, but the greater challenge is to back up your opinion with an argument (not bickering). So let's assume that the basis for cultural attitudes against incest are to protect children from abuse and to avoid inbreeding. If we are talking about same-sex relations between siblings or cousins, what is the problem? Why do you "feel" it's wrong?

I'm not arguing for or against, but I'm curious to know what's behind some people's opinion on this. There are obviously some members here that have strong opinions on the subject. I disagree that being against incest is bigotry, as incest is not a sexual orientation.

I don't see my cousin often and when I do she used to ask how my sex life was!

Then one day when she asked I told her that I had met a pair of identical twins.

She hasn't asked me about my sex life since - result!

In my opinion I would say that its morally wrong because people who grow up together and live together for so long should not develop sexual feelings for each other, the relationship should be more developed than that.

Based on that, I think that its more acceptable for relatives that were estranged or grew up seperatley to fool around than orphans that grow up together.

I just think I shouldn't have told her when she was driving!

[COLOR="Green"]To be perfectly honest, the idea of having sex with my sisters or brothers is quite literally revolting . Sleeping in the same bed, huddling up, all that to me is affectionate, but the though of swapping familiar genetic saliva and the act of penetration or intimate connections is a bit much.

Because instinctually, I just know and feel they are not sexually appealing to me, regardless of our sex or closeness.

I met my youngest siblings when I was already past puberty, as they are my half siblings, infact all 5 of my siblings are, and regardless of that, we had sleep over and what not and we got pretty close.

But for me to look at them in a sexual light, even if we didn't or did grow up in the same house hold, is disgusting.

But that's me and conversely, some people may not have this feeling that I do and find that because of that very closeness Undreamt mentioned, that this attracts them to one another sexually/romantically.

To me, its what they want to do, so long as no one is hurt or being hurt, then I don't see the big issue.

Incest may not be a sexual orientation, but it is an Orientation none the less and with that leads them to their interest and perhaps fascination with it.

People often think Incest = Dad fucking his Daughter and usually young daughter, but this is not always the case and in that case its not just Incestuous, its also Pedophillic and that is wrong to me no matter what.

But if they are adults, upon which all understanding and abiding by the law, are they capable of and adhere by, do I cease to give a fuck, because really lives are meant to be lived by whom they are given to.

We all have our opinions, feelings and emotions, but to push them on another person for our own pacification is truely a sad thing.

If I see a brother and sister holding hands and being all "coupley" then that's them. I say hi and bye and go about my gay ass business.

Would I do that or find that appealing? I'd have to say no.

Its like with straight people who "accept" gays. They like us, they are okay with seeing us hold hands and stuff, but to them its not something they find appealing.

And that's perfectly fine and on them. To try and push something on someone shows insecurities and fears about something. Which in some instances can be exempted however contradictory, but have some merit or point.

However not on this sort of topic.

I've said before and will say again; Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder, but Judgment is in the mind and often words of an Egotist. [/Color]

I'm really not for or against incest. I just don't see any real legit problems with it besides "It's weird and just not right." Which is a pretty weak reason because sooo many people say the same thing about the LGBT and was what kept us from sharing equal rights for so long and we're still fighting for it to this day. I mean, if someone can think of a better reason, I'm all ears. I'm with everyone else in that I'd never find my brother or cousins sexually attractive.
I just don't think the world is ready to deal with incest at all. The world is still on the fence about the LGBT, so they're definitely not ready to even think about incest.

Inbreeding is making enough damage as it is..

fine, all of you incest-lovers, once could argue that given no-sex, incest is not all that bad..

2 consenting adults? Sure, why not?

Except that to have that type of feeling towards someone you grew up with in the same household..

well, that's something oddly unsettling..simple as that..what failed in your neurological networks to consider the person who filled the role of sibling and turning it into a love interest? Seriously, I want to know..which aromatic cycles are involved in this

now go on, incest-lovers, hate on me

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