I get my shopping done BEFORE Halloween. Otherwise it dont get done.
When I worked retail in the malls, C'mas Eve was pretty dead. Even though we opened at 5am and closed at 5pm, it was pretty dead.
DAMN!!!! You know what? I could have made some good money this year!!!
I could have been a personal shopper for C'mas!!!
Damn!!! I always think of things too late.
I didn't started and I won't start. ;-)
I don't like xmas, I don't want to celebrate it, and in the past I did it only for my mom etc...
I haven't started my christmas shopping yet.
I usually start in the summer... but the prices these days make me cry. lol
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I ordered all my stuff on the last couple of days of November; which is late for me.
Seems one item might not arrive this side of Christmas.:frown:
FYI - Do your C'mas shopping for the next C'mas during the big clearance events between January and April. THIS is where you will get your BEST/CHEAPEST prices.
If you have to wait, then do your shopping before the end of August, because after the back to school shopping rush is over, retailers start restocking for the holidays and start marking prices UP....so they can give you "big discounts" in November and December. In reality the retailers are getting the original retail price, you just think you are getting a discount because they are just taking off what they marked up on the item. But they are still getting full price for it.
The REAL sales out there are during the "end of the year clearance sales", during January to April.
Once tax season is over (April), prices get marked up for the new summer stock.
The next best sales season is July 4th. Retailers start to mark down all the summer stuff to get ready for fall.
Then, as previously stated, the end of August should be another sales event, because retailers have hopefully gotten rid of the rest of the summer stock for the "back to school specials". Whats left over is put on clearance for the new winter stuff to come in.
In the USA, if you are shopping for a new vehicle, April and May are supposedly the best times, because dealers need to get those cars off the lots before they have to pay extra taxes on them.
Plus, most dealers are getting rid of last years stock then anyway. If you know HOW to shop and deal for a new vehicle, you can get something you really want for a very cheap price.
Haven't done mine either >.< When my boyfriend told me yesterday that he already got something I'll definitely like for me, it was really awkward XD