Jake Wrote:Thanks but I'm not a gurl and neither is Alex... DUDE 
Oh and is it truly too late... he may not be able to read this and apply it as I know that it's already Xmas in Singapore for those who celebrate that calamity of course lol. But if you read carefully the meaning of my message has very little to do with the actual situation... between the lines I do explain that a relationship isn't called but felt and that's actually what was the message... but I am never going to give the answer right away... somehow people have to work their grey matter a little.
And hi there Sylph I see that all dudes are gurls for you still... can we ever evolve to become guys in your mind... I really really don't want the monthly period saga and mood swings. 
Aww, why? Boys can be so gross :| . Well fine, but can I still call Alexandra Alexsis for short? T_T
Oh well now it kinda late for me to even respond lol, but i suppose you're right. I was just sayin is all Mister man.
Um uh uh hunni, that is not all that makes a woman a woman, so thanks boo boo and not only that, but i do know that guys are guys, but you're still all my gurls. I never say 'Girl' expressly, but gurl, there is a huge difference.
Me thinks de man doth indulge in thy Masculinity much

Can you not be a man and still appreciate your gurl side?
I am reading between the lines hunni, its what we gurls do