The reason why I made an account on here is that my friend recently came out and I'm not too sure what to do now.
We both live in the same really small and extremely religious town, which doesn't make it very surprising that people aren't really accepting towards him, especially his parents are a major problem. However, my problem is that because of my hometown I hardly know anything about this whole situation, all I know is that I don't have any problems with it at all.
I really just want to be there for him and make things better, but I don't know how.
I thought maybe some people on here have any tips for me?
Only thing anybody needs to know is if he's a decent human being or not.
His personal preferences are NOBODY elses business.
Decent human beings will take him for the decent person he is (hopefully), not because of something that is NONE of their business.
Good parents love you, just because.
Bad parents love you because........
Good people dont put labels and stigma on someone they care about. If they do, they are not worth knowing and in my opinion, not worthy of being called a human being.
As far as religious people are concerned, God made ALL men in his image. This includes ALL men. Therefore, some part of God is gay.
As Depeche Mode sang once................"people are people, so why should it be, you and I should get along so awfully...."
You could always invite him to join this great support forum you found online :-)
xBibi Wrote:I thought maybe some people on here have any tips for me?
He is the same person now that he was before he told you he was gay...FACT and tip #1
Mates look out for each other...FACT and tip #2
do what you got to do.
oh my goooooddddnnnneeeeess. I'm so over the whole anti-gay thing ugh it annoys me gurl.
It's like, get over it, go fuck yourself, your mama, your deddy, whoever it is you need to get fucked by or fuck into, to get your fucking ass life, because clearly if you have time to worry about who the fuck I'm fucking, you are not focussed on who you should be fucking and kindly fuck right the fuck off already. UGH
Sorry, this topic just annoys me boo.
As for advice, and in that particular environment, he's honestly just going to have to develop a very durable and sturdy backbone, because ignorant assholes tend to stay that way, there aink no prepping them, aink no fingering or nothing that can loosen them up, except for maybe time. She does the best fingering.
Like really, if the situation is such that you cannot fucking sneeze without everyone thinking immediately you've got aids and don a has-mat suit in the quickest fashion, then clearly your friend needs to realize that it won't change just because he wants it to and needs to make his own changes to become a stronger and more durable person, and you can help him with that, by just being there for him.
Be his sword and his bladdey well shield on the battle field. True friends are roots of a Tree, so support him, do what you can to help him grow and develop, but don't be his crutch/cripple, because he's gonna need to learn how to get through obstacles inna him life if he wants to get through it with his head above water.
I say just do what you're doing. Don't judge him, accept him, listen to him and support him. Just remember not to lose yourself in him as well, like be there for each other, but to help him out in that situation, just be his shoulder to lean on and what not.
Atleast until you can get away or he is confidant inna himself to stand on his legs firm.
Okay darling?
It would be great to keep us up-posted but if you can't for whatever reason, just atleast try to apply some of what I and other's have said and try to make the best of it.
That corny ass line "It gets better" is actually true. But sometimes you need to work at making it better as well.
Good luck with your friend gurlie. :hugs-and-kisses-smi
Well, you already said you're ok with it...
the best you can do is be there for him, cause until he gets to leave that place he well need a rock
you can't get rid of homophobia on your own, nor religion, nor crappy parents...but you can be the support he needs..
Thank you for all the replies! It’s already made me feel a lot less helpless (which makes OlderbutWiser’s suggestion sound really logical ;) ).
Actually everything I read sounded logical and super simple, the whole just be there and stay normal thing that is. If only brains were that simple, right? I mean, us going to concerts during Christmas to avoid ‘whiny’ people wouldn’t have surprised any of us, but for some reason it feels like running away from problems in a very cowardly way right now? Oh choices choices, hard enough without all the overthinking!
Anyway, thanks a lot everyone (: (I probably should be buying and wrapping those concert tickets right now ;))
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Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
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He is the same person he was before coming out, same likes and dislikes, same hopes and dreams, the people that knew him before he came out, if they were true friends, should recognize this and treat him the same as before, if they cannot then it is on them not on your friend, James