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To Which is Felt, But Never Seen[The Story]
So hey gurls, while I was bored without my Wifi, and still job hunting, I decided to sit my fat ass down and do some free thought writing, like literally I just sat the pitch flat down and wrote. No planning, plot, nothing I just went for it gurls.

This title may or may not seem familiar to you cupcakes, as I did a few poems under the same title, but this story doesn't have a whole lot to do with the poems really. They too were just free thought stuff. I don't really like to sit and plan, cause I like to change things up as I go :p.

So any who, I suppose I will share it with y'all. It's no where near finished and It's not on my agenda to like write a book and all that, but I figured it might be an interesting read if nothing else. And there are probably a shit ton of weird phrasings and words that probably might not make sense to you, I do not claim to be the most proficient user of the English Language in the Standard form, we all know this. But hopefully if you read it, it makes sense to ya <3 .

Here we gooooooooooooo

[COLOR="Blue"]To Which is Felt, but Never Seen

I...I used to think once a upon a time ago, that this was just a phase, that it'd go away, that I would stop caring...noticing...hurting. But it seems this is just how it is for me, I've been given this "gift" and simply am not allowed to return to sender. I often wondered why I was different, why everyone else was the same, why they couldn't accept my difference, but now... I only wonder why I even care anymore. The only person who ever cared... understood...loved me as I was, was taken from me, for what we could do. For what he was, for what I am. For what we aren't. I've been waiting for him, as I'm sure he's been looking for me, so I figured this would pass the time... after all...we have alot of it.

~Chapter 1~
Oh yes, I'm 120 and I'll be 121 in October next year, but it's not like that's unusual or anything. At first, it was okay, it wasn't noticeable, but after I started College for the first time, when I was twenty in 1913... well let's just say by the end of our four years, I was lacking development. Eventually my peers started to get wrinkles and even my own mother started to look different, but at the time I thought that normal, I was just lucky. However my eyes started to turn white completely, but I never went blind or lost vision, starting the first wave of many in insults over me and my oddness. I also noticed at times, when startled or emotional, that things would tend to move, which made me very confused, I chalked it up to my distress.

It wasn't until I went 33 that I started to get questions and ask them of myself, "You're 33? You look like a kid!" "What products do you use?" "Are you old enough to be a Vet?" and to every question I would respond that yes, I was old enough, I'm 33 years old, but I would always get the looks and questions. My Mother asked me if I ever got medical treatments done to myself, but I never had and told her as such, and she seemed placated, but always speculative. Time passed and as my hair grew longer and remained thick as ever, my peers whom I once went to school with, especially the other guys, started to lose theirs, earning grey streaks here and there. All but one guy, who up till then I never really thought about, as he and I did a project in an English class and got along fairly well, but I never really spoke to him again. He too seemed to remain how he was when he and I did that project together, 13 years before, but he and I never crossed paths, as he was in construction as a foreman I believe and myself a Veterinarian.

At last, by the age of 55, I was nearly mobbed by the entire town, as you see, our community was relatively small, in regards to my as they put it "unhuman" physical looks for my age. I genuinely had no answers, no solutions for their questions and problems, as I myself wondered why I never changed along with the rest of them. It pained me to see them all grow old, have kids, to even see some pass away from various ailments, while I looked the same and never got sick. At the time, folklore and suspicion was predominant, so when I was unable to produce answers for them, they proclaimed me a Vampire and that I must leave the town at once, lest they burn me. Even though they'd clearly seen me out and about in the full embrace of the sun's rays.

I was scared and so confused and to make matters worse, my own mother was dying at the hands of time, her poor body unable to keep up with the rest of her any longer. I tried to see her, to console and share my love with her, but they would never allow me into the building, stating that I intended to turn her and that the only reason I wasn't killed, was because of my contributions and history with the community. They turned me away, with nothing but the clothes I was wearing and told me to leave and never come back, forcing me out of the walls of our community and turning their backs on me. I sat on the outskirts, crying, scared and heartbroken, the Trees tossing their leaves to and fro, which in retrospect I realized was my doing, as it was a windless evening.

That is, until a Wolf, quite larger than average, came upon me and watched me for a few minutes, before approaching me slowly. Already scared and alone, I instinctively backed away from the potential predator, only to have it growl at me, as if it wanted me to stay. Figuring if old age hasn't caught up to me yet, neither will I let this predator, I tossed caution and reason to the windless night and ran for my life. To my shock, the animal never persued, but had I looked back, I'm sure my entire life would've flipped upsidedown.

I ran for a long time,travelling by boat possibly for 3 or 4 days with little to eat, coming upon another town on a new land it seems, this one larger than my own, however this being my first time outside of my town, I didn't know the name of this one, but none the less sought refuge in it, offering my services as a Veterinarian and Doctor. It was slow, but eventually I managed to settle into this new town, however I had to lie about my eyes and say that they got a dust in them and left my sight, but took their colour. It seemed to go over fairly well with the locals.
~Chapter End~

~Chapter 2~
I was fine, despite my mother passing away alone and leaving me with intense anger over my treatment at my own town, but one night, as I lay in my modest bed in my modest home near the edge of the not so modest town, there was a loud banging noise, as if my door was pushed down onto the ground as it was from that direction, so grabbing my bat, I slowly neared the origin of the sound and I heard rough breathing, as if though whoever it was, had exerted alot of energy. As I came upon the entryway, my suspicions were correct about the door being brought down to the floor, however, standing on the door that now served as a mat as well, was a wolf, but not just any wolf, the same one that had come to me after my banishment two months prior.

It should've been odd to me, as to how this animal, lacking the constitution to even barge down a door, managed to do so, regardless of it's abnormal size, however I could only focus on the eyes and how they seemed to just look at mine and connect to me somehow. It never made to attack me, it didn't seem afraid even, it was as if though it was visiting an old friend it'd not seen in a while. For a while we stood there, not breaking eye contact, until a neighbor of mine Caleb, a man about my physical age, however much more muscular came through the door at the back of the house, which was closer to his home behind mine, to see what the commotion was about and immediately went about chasing off the wolf, practically throwing me behind him.

I'm still not sure, but it almost seemed as if though that act of him protecting me, seemed to bring out the animal in the wolf, it's personality flipped, producing a snarling beast, claws and fangs at the ready. My neighbor Caleb took the bat from me and went after the wolf, and although I was scared, I made a vow upon learning Medicine, that I was meant to help and heal, not to harm, so went to stop him, shooting out my hand and sent him flying over the wolf's large frame. The only problem was... I'd never even touched him. As if noticing this, the Wolf looked back from Caleb, who unfortunately hit a tree , to me with almost human shock on it's wolvish face, which shocked me, but not more than realizing I had sent a man twice my build flying like a paper jet.

Getting more worked up, I started to notice things floating out of their respective places and this further made me scared and confused, to which I then noticed the wolf coming toward me again, only to have him stop abruptly as the floating objects turned in it's direction. It looked at me for a moment and then took off over the wall to the right of my home, avoiding an unconcious Caleb, and disappeared into the night. Sensing no more danger, I let out a breath and at once all the things that were floating to a swift descent. It took me a minute or two, but I finally went out to Caleb, who was only dressed in his night pants and was sporting a slight bruise on his forehead. Feeling responsible, which I was, I took him inside, which was a challenge seeing as how he was practically two of me size wise, and laid him down on my modest sofa, having his feet dangle over the edge of one end and immediately started treating his bruise with some herbs from around the town, lacking any professional medical equipment in the house.

A few days later, Caleb, after collecting some plants for me, as I had let him stay with me for the duration of his recuperation so that I could keep an eye on his bruise, did something I had never experienced in my 55 going on 56 years. He made to bed me! It happened that evening, after storing the wood in the shed behind the house, I was in bed, contemplating things, most predominately my age and my appearance, when Caleb made his way into my bedroom. As was normal I discovered, dressed only in his pants and shoes, leaving his muscular torso bare to the world, and made his approach toward me, but something was different about him, about the look in his eyes. I saw it many a time in my fellow male peers eyes in school when they would make passes and flirtatious advances on the girls, but did Caleb not realize I was a male as well? I could admit, my long hair, hairless face and slim build could maybe confuse some, but Caleb knew full well that I was a male, so I was myself confused.

I had heard of men who sometimes liked to have fun with each other, but I never felt that way for men or women, so I wouldn't know what Caleb saw in me, what made him think I would reciprocate, but as he made his way toward me, and proceeded to lay himself over me, his hands on either side of my head, I made to push him off. I tried to politely refuse him, but he only tried harder and claimed that he saw how I looked at him and his body and that he liked it and liked how pretty I was, to which I was very shocked by. Pretty was a word for girls... never the less, I pushed him harder, but he then used his greater physical strength to try to force me to comply, it seemed out of desperation and as one of his hands slipped south, something in me snapped and he flew off the bed and off of me consequentially. He landed on the floor at the foot of my bed and looked up at me astonished, most likely due to the fact that he was much larger and stronger than myself, but I merely told him, that he must go, I was not interested in him that way. He made to move toward me again, but I held up my hand, and told him to leave, and that I wouldn't tell anyone. He looked shamed, but gathered himself up and made his way back to his modest home behind my one.

From that point on, I made certain to not allow men into my home in such a way, to prevent such an occurance from happening again. I also made it my goal to learn how to utilize these strange abilities I seem to have, as they could be used for defense against such occurances. I practiced in my home, every day after finishing my work, I would lock myself away in my home and take the spoons and forks and try to use them as I would with my hands, only without them. Over the years, I managed to get this ability under control, writing without the use of my hands, washing dishes, cleaning the house, even fixing things I could not reach or physically manage. It was quite odd, but as I hoped, very useful... if only my own people had not rejected me, I could've helped them with it.
~Chapter End~

~Chapter 3~
It was on my 75th Birthday, that I officially gave up hope of ever aging, as even Caleb, who looked my physical age when I arrived, was now looking a good deal older than myself and he had even found himself a wife and had 2 children, a boy and a girl, both 10 years of age, and Caleb was only 40. He still yearned for me, he always asked and made passes, and even more so now than back then, I had to refuse him, as he now had a wife and 2 children to think about, and I told him as such. He was ever curious as to how I managed to look the exact same as I did 20 years prior, and I gave him the excuse of good genes.

1968, It was now a period of time where things were alittle bit more liberal, people were now openly fornicating with one another, with no discrimination of sex either, it was shocking to watch, as only in my 75 years, had things gone from being sheltered and hush hush, with everything being either a witch, demon or alien, fastforward to now, where people are much more mellowed, openly loving and carefree. Possibly due to the spike in drug usage, but that never appealed to me really. It was due to this I think, that had emboldened Caleb to make advances toward me, as he was no longer as scared or ashamed to find love and interest in me. However I just was not very interested, much to his dismay. It hurt him deeply that I never gave him a chance and I do believe he actually loved me, I would often see him as he did his yard work, stop and watch me with longing and those were the times when I truely felt bad, as I could see his love then, but I would always look past him into the kitchen where his wife stood, watching him watching me. He would ask me to hang out at the bar after work, or if I needed help with any house work, but as always I'd tell him that I was fine and to go home to his wife and 2 gorgeous children.

I had been there when he and his wife had brought them home, on my 65th Birthday to boot, but to them it was my 30th which I really didn't feel needed they needed to be corrected on. We had a big celebration, of both mine and the kids birthdays, and I got to hold the kids, and he looked at me, as if he wished I was his wife, rather than his neighbor and that these were our kids and I think then his Wife knew it, as she looked between us oddly. I was there for every birthday, spoiling them, giving them fun toys, and telling them about the fairies in the forest and about how only good kids get visited by them. Caleb's daughter, Alexandra would always try to do my hair in funny styles and her twin brother Caleb jr., was just like his dad, always wanting to build stuff and try to be tough. It made me sad to think I myself had no children, but being in the company of them gave me a taste of what it was like.

It happened one night, the unthinkable. I was sleeping soundly, when all of a sudden, there was a great deal of shouting from across the way at Caleb's house. It woke me quickly and I made to put on my slippers and rushed to their home in my pajamas. As per normal, Caleb was in only his night pants, but he was not walking straight and was very angry it seems and I then noticed his wife standing at the door yelling at him, to which he responded in kind and kept on his path towards my home. At which point he noticed me near the door and broke down and came even faster toward me, stumbling all the while. Not knowing what to do or what was going on, I went to meet him half way, immediately getting the breath squeezed out of me by his hug, his body hot against mine and his weight bearing on me, nearly toppling us over. In an effort to understand what was going on, I pulled back from him and inquired as to what was wrong, why were he and his wife arguing at nearly two in the morning.

He told me, he said he told her he couldn't live a lie anymore, and that he only wanted me, that she and the kids were his mistakes, he did it for appearances and only ever wanted me and that he couldn't take the pain any more. I was fully astonished and extremely well aware of him groping me and trying to carry me back inside my home, but I made him stop with this strange ability I had, forcing him to listen, which confused his inebriated brain. I told him, I loved him dearly, as a neighbor, a friend, perhaps even family, but sadly not as a lover, I just did not find anyone desirable, as strange as that may be, even to myself. I told him the real mistake was saying those things to his wife and that he should go back and try to reconcile with her, that those kids need their father. He looked at me, slow understanding of yet another one of my rejections of him and he stepped back, looking so very hurt, I could not help but see it, but stood resolute. Whether or not he loved me and his family was a mistake or not, the fact remains that he has a family to care for, and that his love for me is not reciprocated in kind.

He merely looked at me, defeated it seems and stumbled off into the night, even as I and his wife, who had heard us, called out after him, but he did not return. It wasn't until days later, after frantic searching by both myself and his wife, and the collective efforts of the towns people, did we find him, but it was not what we were hoping for. Caleb appearantly had traversed into the forest some ways out and tossed himself into the lake nearby and was only found by some fishermen, floating face down... evidence of his drowning. This caused immense grief in not only myself, but his wife and confused children, but to know that he done this, because I had refused him, made me feel guilty and extremely upset. What's worse, he was only just 40 years old, a young father of two gorgeous children and a lovely wife. All ended because I could not and would not return his love to him...
~Chapter End~

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[COLOR="Blue"]~Chapter 4~
It was another 20 years, before I had to once again relocate, as the towns people were in an uproar once sure of my lack of physical aging, and even Caleb's children, Alexandra and Caleb Jr., with their own respective partners and Caleb Jr. with his own son, both now the same age their parents were when they had them, were looking at me odd, for I looked even younger than them! I was sad, both to look upon these children, whom I had witnessed from infancy well into adulthood and to have them look at me the way they did and to know that I should not even be able to say I did those things. I should've passed on a good 30 or 20 years ago, I'm living out of time as they say. To witness the growth of the youth you once took care of and played with and taught, and have them surpass you in age and to have to one day witness them being lowered into the ground was a sad thing. I had to be there for Caleb's Wifes funeral, as she had died earlier on in her 50's, further striking me, at how I am truely existing outside of time.

I knew her when Caleb met her, when they were in their Twenties, and I was already in my late fifties, I could've been their grandfather. I watched as they grew a life together, albeit rocky with Caleb's hardly hidden affection for me, I watched as Caleb's prize of Masculinity went from being hard and firm to alittle more lax with age and his wife's body also started to lose it's womanly shape. I watched as Caleb Jr.'s voice hit it's low notes after that funny squeaking boys tend to do when maturing and Alexandra taking her mother's womanly shape, well after their Father had passed on, I watched. I visited them less and less, not for lack of love, but to make it easier on them, once they realized I would outlive them, they would look at me and wonder why they're aging and I'm not and would begin to hate me. My peers did but they're all dead now, as it's been 95 years...

I visited one last time before I had to leave, this time I atleast had a chance to say goodbye to my loved ones. I told them I loved them and that they must never take even one thing in life for granted. Even a cut knee, it all meant that they were alive, that they are living, that they're special. They we're still wary of me, especially since to them I looked like a kid, but they none the less took me at my word and bid me a farewell. I told them I'd write them, to which they replied was old school, but agreed.

Old school... yes it's nearly the new age again, a new century of advancements and technology. I've lived a century in 5 more years, I've been through the late 1800s, the entirety of the 1900s and will soon enter the 2000s... it is a strange thing to even think on. I look back on time in the years, rather than the days or months. A concept I didn't do when I was younger.

Pushing all that aside, I made my way to a new place, this place much different then the previous towns I've occupied, known as Canada. It was definitely an adjustment, after all, I had never seen what they call Snow before, my town based on an Island down below the reach of snow, and they town I inhabited, which I found is named Mexico, was also below the reach of snow. It's people we're rather pleasant though, not so much like the previous people I lived with, although I attribute that to the time that has passed outside of Mexico and the cultural changes.

It was strange though, ever since I left my own town, I felt as if though there was always something watching me or nearby. I could never shake the feeling.
~Chapter End~

~Chapter 5~

Oh dear Canada, why are you so cold, was my first thought after finally making my way up there, nearly a Month's travel by car, as I trusted myself to the land and ocean only. The group that I traveled with were well enough, one of the men was very flamboyant in his ways, a much different approach to the lifestyle of a man. Seeing all that I have, it didn't offend me, but it did surprise me somewhat, however, I suppose time has passed if not for me, then others and I could hardly have room to talk, as I myself was not the epitome of masculinity. 1988, things had changed very dramatically, in regards to the wholistic culture of people in general, to the technology and even the langauge and style of dress. It's almost like reading one of my comics from when I was a kid or playing at what is now known as Science Fiction with talks of flying cars and robots, and while there are no such things now, I can see it going there and only wish my friends from back home were still alive to see it all. Thoughts like that often make me sad...

Upon reaching the frosty Canada and seeing the snow, I parted ways with my travel companions, being winked at by the flamboyant man, and set about finding myself a suitable place to live. I made decent money over the years working in medicine, treating people's pets and unfortunately even, their slaves, as back then, slaves were seen as animals and to be treated by Animal Doctors, not human ones. I often gave back the coins for slave treatments, but it was seen as offensive to do so, so spent the coin on things to give back to the poor enslaved, such as food when their master's were not aware. I tended to try to avoid such situations, as I did not want to bring much attention to myself, especially with my eyes, it made people, especially the enslaved view me as a sort of witch or demon and was a distinguising mark.

I managed to find myself a home, and as it seems, like with my last home in Mexico, it was to be near a forest of some sort, which I generally did not mind. I always liked being near nature and not too closely packed with other people. However, I suppose with the snow, it made things seem a bit more ominous, but I was not overly worried, as I had been developing my secret ability for awhile now. I could successfully even lift my own self up! Such an extraordinary feat I had only seen done in the cartoons and T.v shows. It made me feel slightly odd, because did that also mean that many things in cartoons and movies were based on real things? Were there really werewolves and vampires? My people nearly a hundred years ago thought so, but the people now find it all fairy tales and wishful thinking, but have they grown complacent in the ignorance of their forefathers and the safety of their new lives? Even I don't know, I've yet to see a creature from myth, but then again, how can I look the way I do and do the things I do and not think so?

So after settling into my new home, I went exploring for a bit, just to familiarize myself with the environment, and trudged into the forest a bit, marveling at the snow on the trees, making them appear as giant pillars of ice, holding up the sky. My guard was down completely, when out of no where, a wolf pounced upon me, knocking me on my back and was licking my face like a dog would to it's master just home from work. Only... this wolf was not just any old wolf.. in fact, it was an old wolf indeed for it was the same one from both my home and the one Caleb went to defend me from. This wolf had to be well over 40 years old! And it has followed me all these years? How could it? In retrospect, neither my home, nor Mexico had wolves, and so then my curiosity was piqued, as how could a creature that doesn't exist in either of the places I've lived be there and follow me across water from my home to Mexico? Just what was this wolf and what was it to me? Why me?

But I had little time to figure it out, as I came to my senses when it layed itself on me, leading me to lift him with my power off of me, much to it's chagrin, as it started to thrash and howl. I put it back down and it quieted, but it still thrashed to get near me, so I held him fast and made to back off. It stopped then and in that moment I released it and picked myself up instead and moved myself toward the house, away from the wolf, leaving it where it stood...watching me.

Once back inside the house, I made sure all my windows were shut tightly and that my door's we're locked, and had a desk against the front one, incase he tried to pull another stunt like last time. I had to find out what this wolf was all about, but for now, I had to just move on. So I decided to post pone the acclimation process and went for an early sleep.
~Chapter End~

~Chapter 6~

1993, well... it's been one hundred years even that I was born, I've officially lived a century. And yes, I still look quite the same as I did 80 years ago. Same pale white eyes, long black hair, same face, body build, it's all still the same. Even my heart and organs are the same, still beating and working properly. It would seem all parts of me, aside from my brain, has not aged. I've seen, learned, felt, but not aged... Most people now would wish for this type of affliction, but I'm not quite so sure if they saw, felt, and knew the things I have, and will most likely have to, that they still would. It definitely wasn't easy as everyone seems to think. I miss my friends and my family, I miss Caleb and his wife and Alexandra and Caleb Jr., who's son, Caleb III is the same age they were when their father died. It's still very sad to think about it and how it could have been much worse if he watched me stay the same as he aged and died knowing he would be waiting a long time for me to come along after. To think I have witnessed three generations of Caleb... it is actually a sad thought. To have known the man, to see his legacy carry on, but to not see him anymore, it's very sad.

It can make one mad with grief and depression, but I just carry on, for a reason even I don't know...

To celebrate my Century on this earth, I decided that I'd finally go out and try to get a pet. I've always loved dogs and the like, but they live even shorter lives than people, and I couldn't bear losing my pets so quickly after one another, so I opted for a Tortoise. They can live for long periods of time, even perhaps 200 years I've read. It's a comforting thought that I would'nt be alone existing through time, atleast not forever. That out there somewhere, there was a Tortoise or 2 surviving along with me, celebrating their 100 years as well. So I decided to get a Baby Galapagos Tortoise that I saw on sale, and made a room especially for him, possibly the warmest room in the house! I got a generator for that very purpose, and refurbished his home to make it more like his natural environment. I would make sure to take extra special care of this little guy, because he and I were gonna ride this next however many years together.

The next day, I left Aoi, which I learned means Blue in Japanese, in his enclosure after a few minutes of cuddle time... yes I grew very affectionate for my Tortoise, with some food in a special dish to discourage ants and with a good bit of water to drink and bathe in and headed outside toward to forest, after nearly five years of avoiding it since that day. I worked up my nerve and went into the forest, as I needed wood for the fire desperately this year and did not want to rely on someone else this time. It didn't work out as planned last time. And as I traversed out into the forest, axe in hand, I couldn't help but feel those eyes on me again... the very human-esque ones with yellow where it should be white. I ignored it and continued forth, holding my axe alittle nearer to my body, probably giving off my wariness. As I came upon the spot I found suitable for collecting wood, not too inhabitated, remote enough, I began to chop, but not even one chop in and I was tackled by something, this time something not on four legs. It had pushed me down onto my back and was growling very loudly. I knew that kind of growl... it was a bear... although it should've been hibernating at this temperature!

Not knowing what to do, I tried to quickly roll to the side, leaving my axe where it fell. I didn't even think to use my power to push the bear back or pick the axe up, because for some reason, this bear scared me more than that wolf ever did... it seemed more...feral, wild. Cowering, I throw my hands over my face and prepared for my demise. After a hundred years of living, not aging, after all that I've ever experienced, seen, learned, I was going to finally die at the hands... paws of this angry bear. Not exactly the way I thought I was going to go, but seeing as how old age isn't doing it, it probably makes sense.

But before the bear could swipe at me, emboweling me, something made a noise over me and was breathing hard. I dared to open my eyes and wouldn't you know it? It was the wolf that had been following me all these years it seemed, standing over me, with the bear's massive paw struck into the wolf's massive back, drawing some blood, that was now dripping from it's back down it's flank, to it's belly and onto me. That woke me up from my stupor, swiftly turning to the side and lifting the bear from the wolf, who looked more than ready to chomp into the bear, straining from the sheer weight of it, even though I was not doing so physically... It seems I have to practice with larger things more often.

I managed to move it back a few paces, but with it's thrashing and weight, I had to drop it, exhaling a shuddering breath. The wolf looked down at me then, and I realized I was still very much underneath it and it was still by all means a predator and could just be saving me from the bear, so that it could finally eat me itself. I made to move, but the wolf merely stood it's hind left paw on me and turned toward the bear, that was now getting up to charge toward us. Stepping off me briefly, the wolf stood on it's hind legs, standing at practically the same height as this full grown bear, I'm guessing 7 to maybe 8 feet... which was proportionately extraordinary! It used it's paws like a spring, using the bears on coming momentum and pushed it back as though it were nothing but a small kitten and proceeded to bite into it's arm, rather hard from what I could see, making the bear swipe at it's head with the other arm, growling in pain. This made the wolf let go, but it still stood it's ground... the ground I lay on, however I could see that swipe knocked it pretty hard, as it was alittle shakey, but resolute none the less. The Bear, in pain merely scampered away, holding it's injured limb to itself and left me and the wolf and the axe that was now fairly a distance away.

Whether or not this Wolf just saved my life, it still was a predator itself and while I've never heard of one predator saving prey from another only to eat it itself, I didn't want to be the first case. I eased away slowly, but my fears were abated when the wolf whimpered and basically crawled towards me, the wound on it's back relatively deep and the strike to it's head leaving me concerned as well... even if it was a ploy just to eat me. I swallowed and developed some courage and crawled as well toward the injured wolf, never taking my eyes off it's yellow ones. If it were to eat me, it had plenty of time before, especially when my powers were underdeveloped. I reached him, marveling at how huge he was, especially face to face, his entire head was a great deal larger than my own and even my torso as well. I reckon he could fit me in his mouth head first and only have problems at my shoulders...minor problems.

As I came up to him, I'd say he was about the size of a horse, alittle shorter, but bulkier and now up close, I could analyze his wounds better, and realized he needed some treatment, lest those wounds get infected. The one on his head, under his left eye along the check of the animal was minor, but lucky, because higher up and he could've lost his eye, but the one on his back was bleeding profusely and I needed to get those wounds stiched up. However... it was just a matter of getting this rather large, predator to follow him to his home, which luckily didn't have close by neighbors, and to allow him to treat it and not get eaten in the process. Great.
~Chapter End~
[Image: il_340x270.478882627_qnj4.jpg]

[COLOR="Blue"]~Chapter 7~

Getting the lug of an animal back to his home was a difficult one. I tried to lift it, but it was far too heavy, seeing as how I had exhausted myself with the bear, so I tried the old method of asking the animal to follow you and to my amazement, it followed my request. Shock was an understatement. People have a hard enough time trying to get dogs to co-operate, so to get a wolf? Unheard of! Well in any event, the horse sized wolf followed behind me, keeping a close proximity, almost as if it was afraid I might run off, it was sort of a possessive feeling, like it would'nt let me go even if I felt compelled to. So, perhaps stupidly, I put my hand on it's muzzle and walked aside of it, pretty much securing myself as an easy and edible target if it should so choose. The wolf's eyes did one of those weird human like shock manuevers, it's eyes opening wider at my gesture. Something about this wolf was definitely odd, it had a sort of intelligence behind those oddly expressive eyes.

As we finally got to my home, I was absolutely exhausted and the wolf had seen better days. I managed to get him into my house, which was a feat, considering he was just about as wide as the door frame, and put him into the living room, as it was the largest room in the house and used what energy I had and moved all the chairs and table and miscellaneous items out of the way for him to lay down, effectively staining my new carpet. Not the best idea I've had in these 100 years, but being the sworn Veterinarian that I was, I felt obligated to help this animal, even at my own risk. Walking up to it, I inspected the wounds even closer, prodding gently at the one on it's back, to which it let out a strangled whimper-growl, and so I moved to it's face, for some reason no longer fearing those large jaws opening and cleaving me in two. I reached out to the injury, softly running the length of it, keeping my eyes on the wolf's, as it watched me out the corner of it's eye. That's what shocked me the most of this whole ordeal... animals, especially those in distress do not watch the person treating them, they're trying to get away or injure the person, so to have this quite large wolf watching me, as if inspecting me, was extremely unnerving.

I removed myself to go get prepared to put some stitches in the wolf's back, to seal up the wound, washing my hands, getting my gloves and my necessary medical equipment. Thankfully these things have improved since the early 1900s as well. I headed back to the living room, by passing Aoi on the way, noticing how he happened to be trying to get to the room with the wolf in it... my little guard tortoise. I went back into the room only to find the animal gone! It's blood still stained the carpet, but the whole entire, large as life wolf was gone! I looked around, slightly afraid that such a large animal could not only move with such stealth, but could be planning to jump me! As I moved more into the room, A man came from the bathroom adjacent to it, naked as the day he was born, his muscular form slightly slumped, as he made his way toward me and collapsed, I dove in quickly, dropping my medical equipment and managed to catch him, even though he was like twice my build...deja' vu 45 years later. I instantly blushed as I realized, this time the man was entirely naked and flush against me. I didn't focus on that too long though, as he whispered in my ear "It's been 80 years, looking good...Aelidru"

I looked down, and saw that his back had a rather large wound going down the right side of it starting near the shoulder curving down toward the hip...just like... that wolf's. I pulled back and saw him looking at me, with his brilliant green eyes... that nose...the same facial shape... this was the same guy I had done a project in college with 80 years ago! But it couldn't be! All my peers...family...friends, they should've all long died or the very most be very very old. This man was neither dead nor old, but there was no mistaking it and his voice... and the fact he knew my name. Hardly anyone in the world now would even know that name... but how? Was he the same like me? Why did he look different then? Like he had filled out, like he had matured more? But then I noticed the cut along his cheek... under his left eye...just like that wolf's stretching from his top lip arching under his eye and to his left ear.

Wait... it couldn't be, those were fictional. He must've seen it on my face, seen me put the pieces together, because he just smiled as best he could with the cut and nodded. I was flabbergasted... He was... the wolf was... they were one and the same! Even disregarding my 100 year old youthful appearance, I found this just a bit much to take in. My own oddity paled in comparison, and yet, it didn't freighten me as much as I felt it should've. Stepping out of the moment, the bombardment of questions I had for him, I quickly reached back and moved the medical gear to my hands and quickly begun to apply some anti-bacterial ointment to his face and applied a bandage to cover the wound. This was a bit different than working with Animals, but having also worked on people before, I could manage this. He looked at me the whole time, his eyes... so intent on my own, watching every flicker of my blank gaze, probably unable to see the outline of my pupils. I really should start wearing shades...they were all the fasion back in the 70's.

I asked him to lean over my shoulder so that I could begin at his shoulder, cursing my lack of foresight to acquire a couch, although in my defense, I didn't think I'd have an 100 year old wolf turned man in my care. I remembered his nudity and in an effort to preserve his modesty, I took off my coat, and went to tie it around his waist, continuing the stitching with my power, which I found was returning swiftly, which I was grateful for, when he grabbed my wrist as it went south. The stitching halted, as I looked up at him, his face looking carefully guarded, as he himself tied the coat around himself, only saying "Tease" in response to his weird behaviour. I immediately blushed, as I caught on to the implications of what he meant. It's so odd, I've never felt like this before, with anyone, almost as if I was a teenage boy with his first experience of sex, so unsure, alittle intimidated, but eager. And something else...

Was this how Caleb felt for me, 45 years ago? It was odd...but not entirely unpleasant. I coughed and quickly muttered an apology, trying to hide the blush and took hold of the needle myself and was reluctant to put my hand back on him to keep the wound closed as I stitched it. I should've just kept using my ability for it, but I felt compelled to do it myself. Instead, I brought the cream up and set it to work, helping to seal the wounds and bringing over a few bandages and wound it around the injury as I went. It really was quite convenient, allowing me to do multiple things at once. He then put his arms around my waist, saying that he was grateful for my help and that he needed to do something with his arms... but it felt suspiciously like hugging, his arms around my waist, and mine around his neck... more like embracing. I quickly brought my right arm around to join my left one, leaving him to just hold onto my waist... not noticing my furious blush. This was very odd indeed. I made to lean side ways along his flank, him still holding me, when he squeezed slightly and I looked back in question, he said nothing, but I noticed a slightly pained look on his face, and so I figured this part of the would must be more sensitive, which would make sense, as it's much more fleshy the the rest of it. So I moved as quickly as I could.

As I was finishing up near the hip, he had to let me go, because of the weird angle, but rested his large hands on my back...moving them on my back... I felt incredibly strange, I suppose the word was lustful. I liked what he was doing, he was making me excited and I swear he sniffed no sooner than I felt it and continued with his minstrations. I went into over drive, stitching and having the cream work it's way on and the bandage winding tighter than was perhaps necessary. and quickly sat up. Quickly announcing my completion, I excused myself quickly to the bath room to wash up and the cream dropped and the left over bandaged snapped off from the rest and fell as well and I swiftly ran towards the bathroom. Taking this time to calm down, I looked at my reflection, noticing how red my face was, my pale white eyes slightly panicked, I rung out my hands and shook myself to rid myself of the filthy images and feelings I was having, toward a patient no less, as I was working on him!

After calming down a bit, I walked out to find the room empty, again amazing me at how stealthly this man could move. I looked for him, calling out his name "Yusef", noting how quickly his name returned to me, even after all these years, and how like my name, it's old and not very common. He responded, sounding like he was by Aoi's room and I quickly dashed in that direction to make sure my tortoise was safe, even if he didn't seem like he was in danger from this man. I was correct, Yusef was there, leaning over the little home made fence I made to keep Aoi inside, scratching the turtle's neck as if they were best friends reunited. I was amazed at Aoi, as the little reptile tended to just laze about and not really go out of it's way to come to get attention, but it looked like a dog, with how it was trying to practically climb the gate to get to Yusef.

He just shrugged and continued to pet Aoi and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy... that Aoi would let him do that of course, not of Aoi, that would be ridiculous! I hated to interrupt their little bromance, but I offered Yusef a place to sleep for the night, so that his injuries could heal and stupidly forgot to mention that I only had one bed. He agreed, inquiring to where he would sleep and I told him my bed and I'd sleep on the floor, to which he vehemetly refused and told me not to give up my bed for him. I told him he was a patient and that he should just take the bed for his own good and was adamant that we either share it, or he'd sleep on the floor himself. I was beside myself with doctoral grief and personal grief, as I could not allow him to sleep on the floor, his wounds could reopen and take longer to heal, but we could not share the same bed, because I barely felt comfortable him just touching me, let alone him sleeping right next to me... my bed wasn't all that big.

In the end, my personal grief lost out to my doctoral grief and I agreed to sharing the bed, but we had to keep to our sides, to which he replied in the affirmative. After changing into my sleep ware, and he into his, which constisted of only pajama bottoms due to his injury...so he says, we lay down to bed, me on the left and him on the right, so I did not accidentally hit his stitches, although I told myself I'd sleep like a statue on my side and that he would do the same. I still had many many questions to ask him, but I figured a good rest would do us both good and his injuries as well. It was with this I managed to drift off to sleep.

I wasn't sure, but I could almost swear that Yusef was spooning me, but I was so out of it, I couldn't even make the effort to find out... he better have not!
~Chapter End~
~Present Day ; Chapter 1~

" And so that leads us here boys and girls, me lying in bed, only it's been 20 years since that night and Yusef is no where to be found." Says Aelidru, closing his note book and putting his pen back in it's cup with the others. He sits up in bed, long black hair still as thick as it was 100 years ago when he started growing it, although he keeps it waist length.

"Yep that's right, Yusef has been missing since that night, for 20 years now, and I never even got to ask my questions!" exclaims Aelidru, fanning himself with his ever present Tessens, their edges lethally sharp. He swiftly gets out of bed, feet inches off the ground and his Fans floating on either side of him. He makes his way to the living room and drifts towards Aoi's room, the Tortoise now physically much larger.

"Yeah, Aoi is a big boy now, still not at his full size, but much larger than the baby I wrote about. Right big fella?" to which Aoi responded with a well timed crunch of his lettuce leaf. Alot has changed in those 20 years Yusef has appearantly been missing, such as the fact of his disappearance, and why -
"It was the government I tell ya, they snatched up Yusef, cause they know about us some how, we was too careless all those years!" Aelidru rudely interrupts- "Hey!" and the fact that the Aelidru now is much different than the mild mannered one from his ...questionable... bibliography.

"Well when you've had to deal with the things I have these past 20 years, especially recently, then you can call me questionable!" quips Aelidru, floating back toward his bedroom. In the 20 years that Yusef had been missing, since the very next day of that night Aelidru wrote about as a matter of fact, a strange number of "disappearances" of it seems, a select few individuals has been occuring, prompting our not so young Aelidru here to become much more aware and cautious of his surroundings.

"They're rounding up any and everyone who is suspected of having any sort of supernatural ability and my guess is to experiment on them or kill them... things never change" says Aelidru, looking up at his ceiling as he makes the fans spins on the spot, narrowly avoiding one another. He has worked even harder than he has before on his abilities, honing what he now calls Telekenisis to it's pinnacle, in order to protect himself and to save Yusef and whoever else he can. But as he hinted in the prologue of his Bibliography, there has been a massive break out at the facility where the government is supposedly not holding these individuals in question and so is waiting, waiting for Yusef to come back to him.

He figures its only a matter of time, because it was obvious that Yusef was following him and watching over him the entire time, from his town to Mexico, to right here in Canada for a reason. Not entirely sure of the reason, Aelidru can only guess it was out of familial ties, seeing as how they grew up in the same place and went through very similar things. However for whatever reason, it was to get to him, so he was sure if Yusef broke out, it was to come back to him. And he would wait, but not as a damsel in abatement.

"Okay, now let's stop talking to each other Mr. Disembodied voice, talking to omnipotent entities is not one of my powers and it frankly is kinda weird..." Aelidru flippantly states, to which said omnipotent being rolls his eyes, but agrees.

He would make trips into the forest, at first in hopes of Yusef showing up there like he did 20 years ago, eventually giving up that hope after the first year, but took to taking the time to practice his skills in the interim, even coming across a pair of matching Tessens, becoming fascinated with them, both about the size of a ruler when closed and resembeling half moons when opened. He took to them quickly, wielding them as he'd seen many Japanese Fighters do in the films he happened to come across. Only, he wasn't wielding them with his hands, but with his Telekenisis, swiftly rotating them, opening and closing them and even using them as short swords, deftly eating the air with precision.

It wasn't long after he had started this "training" that he'd met a woman in Ontario, a strange woman, who seemed to always be a step ahead of everyone else, avoiding people rushing about and dodging traffic and the would be off putting aerial assaults from the occasional bird. She always seemed like she wasn't looking at anything in particular, almost as if she was blind as he himself was accused of due to his white eyes, but she would sort of look through everything, clearly aware of the things around her, but not really looking at them or even acknowledging them. This made Aelidru look at her and wonder just how she did it, and it quickly came to him, that like himself and it seemed Yusef as well, that she was like them in a way. He made to approach her, but she merely turned to him and greeted him first, not looking directly at him, but saying she had seen him for a long time, waiting for him to come to her.

And they had been friends ever since, albeit odd, as she would already know all that he intended to even do or say, even as he changed his mind to say something else, she would just say that there were multiple outcomes of every situation and that she could "See" them in advance and make decisions and choices, which in turn allowed her to see the outcomes of her own actions in the scheme of things, calculating which outcome and scenario would be the most beneficial course of action. It all just made Aelidru's head spin, to which she calmly responded she knew, which made him just face palm.
~Chapter End~
[Image: il_340x270.478882627_qnj4.jpg]

[COLOR="Blue"]~Chapter 2~

2 Years before present day;

"Jazzie, Jazz I know you knew I was coming! Where are ya?" Aelidru shouts out, knocking now impatiently at his strange, albeit close, friend's door. She would always be waiting for him, holding the door open for him no sooner than he would approach, making him shake his head in amusement. Now that was a particularly useful gift she had, to know when, where, how and possibly even why all things will happen and in what ways they would result. But now he grew concerned, as she wasn't there to greet him as per normal, her house eerily silent, not even any windows were opened on such a lovely day, and she always opened them in the morning, claiming it let the "positive" in.

Growing more and more worried, he muttered a small apology before unlocking the door from the inside with his Telekenisis and produced his now ever present Tessen's, having gained enough profeciency to defend himself adeptly in the nearly 18 years he had been training with them, and moved further into his friend's house, which had a lot of drawings of hers, posted up along different areas of her home, things she'd seen and found significant enough to save, such as one that had the two of them meeting that day 18 years ago, which she had claimed she drew the day after he awoke to find no Yusef, saying he suddenly appeared to her. That always made him wonder why he would suddenly appear just as suddenly as Yusef leaves.

He wanders abit more, Tessens ever ready calling out one more time "Jazzie, if this is one of your future seeing tricks or whatever, it's not funny", to which he got absolutely no response, not even a shuffle of feet. He moved further, checking her bedroom, knocking ever still wanting to be respectful even though it seemed she wasn't here. He opens the door after a few seconds, immediately noting that her bed room was perfectly untouched, everything in order and neat, and that it seems she never even slept here, even though she said she was going home yesterday when they parted ways. He was now scared, and he hadn't been this scared since being expelled from his original home, and was going to call someone, when he spotted a very girly, pink note with a teddy bear on the top of it, with his name under the bear.

Assuming she left it for him to perhaps explain why she wasn't here yet, figuring his friend may actually have just popped into town for an errand and that his hasty wariness was unwarranted, he opened it, and eyed it's contents with his ever blank stare.

"Oh hi Aelidru, it's good to see you this morning... well maybe not so much on the see part,
but anyway, I want you to know that I do like that new shirt you're wearing, it goes with your eyes
so very well, however, I'm not so sure you should open that window, because --

But it was too late, because figuring his friend would like for her windows to be open when she got back from where ever she was, he opened the one on the opposite side of her bed while reading the note and was scared witless when a bird flew from the tree branch near her window, landing on him and it's little claws and beak giving his brand new shirt no mercy, as he finally managed to reluctantly brush the bird of gently, quickly shutting the window back and resumed with the note, now wishing he had read on first.

"Yeah, probably should've read on first, because that bird has just made a nest there, so will defend it's territory.
I know you figured I'd want my windows to be opened for when I get back, but actually here's the thing Ru--

Aelidru rolling his eyes at the nickname she gave him, shaking his head,

"And don't you shake your head at me Mr.Ru It suits you so well. Anyway, I won't be returning to Cananda for a while,
You see I've fled persecution and before you freak out... okay too late, just calm down okay? I didn't tell you this prior to this note, because
I didn't want you to worry even more than you will now, now that you know that I've already been long gone and won't be persuaded to stay,
because had I stayed, not only myself, but you as well, we would've been captured by some men who are looking for people like us.

I'm not sure why honestly, something is blocking their intent, but I can still see that they're coming and what they would've done to us...
shoot us with tranquilizers and hauled us off to some far away place, I had to leave to throw them off our trail, because it seems they have caught on to me
and not you just yet, but by association you'd be taken as well, so I hope you aren't too upset with my leaving so abruptly. Thank you for calming down.

There are some pancakes in the fridge and orange juice, you can help yourself to whatever you need to. Okay Ru dear?

Oh and don't keep this note by the way, don't fold it and put it in your pocket like you were just about to,
keeping such evidence is not very wise."

Your Jazzie
PS - The Printer is gonna beep in 3, 2, --

And just as he read the "1" the sound of Jasmine's printer went off in her office, sufficiently weirding out Aelidru even though he's had 18 years to get used to this type of behaviour. He always thought being ageless and having Telekenisis was weird enough, but to pretty much predict every move, even long after you've gone is a bit creepy. Although, it seems whoever these people are, they've managed to elude Jazz's sight making her unsure of something which was very unusual. Heading toward the printer, he took up the paper, holding it up and examining it and realizing it was the people she had mentioned she had seen, and that they were dressed in suits, looking every inch of buisness and no play and held what looked like the guns she said would've shot them with tranquilizer.

He would have to be wary now, and for the first time in 118 years, he felt as young as he looked, scared, unsure, but he quickly put his 118 year old brain back in place and decided to figure out a plan and a concrete one at that. He realized now how foolish he'd been, how lax he'd been and most of all, how lucky he was that even through all this time he'd passed through, he wasn't caught or worse. He'd just lived on, not really aware of any possible dangers or threats or anything like that, just going through the motions of his seemingly endless life. With how the world is now, he couldn't afford such luxuries anymore, not with what he could do and who he is. It's time he adopted a new attitude on life and get his act together.

He needed to find Yusef... although with what Jazz said, these people could've gotten to him first, in which case, he'd need to figure out a way to break him out. But first... he needed a little round, brown syrup covered comfort.
~Chapter End~[/COLOR]
[Image: il_340x270.478882627_qnj4.jpg]


"~Chapter 1~
Oh yes, I'm 120 and I'll be 121 in October next year,"

You finally slipped up and admitted your REAL age!!!!



"~Chapter 1~
Oh yes, I'm 120 and I'll be 121 in October next year,"

You finally slipped up and admitted your REAL age!!!!


And yet bitch, I still look fierce, and what? :hugs-and-kisses-smi

Lol I know it's kind of alot... I tend to just go at it, I kinda figured people wouldn't read the whole of the story, but maybe just take glimpses and so forth.

I was kinda intrigued on the idea of what it would be like to kind of live through the ages, as they happened and wanted to write about how such a thing could be seen/used/abused possibly in this new age of longevity seekers and what not.

I aink never took no writing class y'all, dis here just popped inna me brain enuh!

Just bumping this thread so that it don't get locked, cause I plan to update it soon enough, plus if y'all feel like it you can have a read of it. Even critique me, but be gentle with me, I'm delicate Wink

Any who, just doing da bump bump Poke2

Sylph Wrote:Even critique me, but be gentle with me, I'm delicate Wink


Calling Mr. Tinkles

I repeat: Calling Mr. Tinkles

Mr. Tinkles, present yourself in thread "to which is felt, but never seen"

your attendance is required

*shuts down megaphonme*

southbiochem Wrote:*megaphone*

Calling Mr. Tinkles

I repeat: Calling Mr. Tinkles

Mr. Tinkles, present yourself in thread "to which is felt, but never seen"

your attendance is required

*shuts down megaphonme*

Excuse me my little instigator, you dont want me to bring out your dirty laundry, cause we all know how small it...oops, they, can be Wink .

Sylph Wrote:Excuse me my little instigator, you dont want me to bring out your dirty laundry, cause we all know how small it...oops, they, can be Wink .

Bring it on as much as you like and find out how little I care..

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