[COLOR="Blue"]Hmm, this is a secret jab at me, isnt it Partis?

Im already on a pretty remote island. Just wish I was alone sometimes.
If you pick the Tv, where would you plug it in to, especially if it's just you supporting yourself on the island?
Same problem for the Radio and playstation, not to mention you need a T.v as well as the playstation together to use it. And batteries would only last so long.
Geminize is correct, string instruments will perish, I know this from personal experience, and to upkeep that instrument to ensure that it works would take resources an Island won't be able to offer.
You cannot keep a dog on Bananas and coconuts, nor yourself either and assuming the dog is not a retrieval type dog, then one or both of you will starve and then that will bring a whole new meaning to dog eat dog.
Alcohol will only shorten and endanger your life, as most islands(I would know) have very strong sun, and coupled with Alcohol will lead to Dehydration and some other serious ailments. Its best to be unimpaired.
Again with most Islands, it will rain eventually, so in time rain will damage any shelter the books are kept in and destroy them, or the humidity will.
I would just take the Mokey's magic and zap home lol. Cause I wouldn't last long with any of those things.
I always think of these scenarios when we have hurricanes, cause our lights normally go out for days sometimes.
I charged my phone and DS one year in anticipation for the hurricane and they lasted the whole week we went without power.
I might be alittle biased with this scenario lol.